Cross's Secret Reveals

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It's been three days since Dream was dating Cross. She felt so happy when she got herself a boyfriend. However, while it was going on, Dream was taking care of the children who have negative feelings. Cross watched as he saw her giving them the golden balls with hopes and dreams. He couldn't help but smile at her. He was glad he got a girlfriend like her. On the other hand, XChara looked pissed as he kept glaring at him instantly.

"Cross, do you realize what you've done?" XChara asked in a tone of voice

"What do you mean?" Cross asked.

"You just asked her to be your girlfriend! What if Nightmare finds out about your secrets!? What will happen?"

Cross glared at that. "I don't care then."

XChara groaned. "You should care!"

When he hasn't had time to deal with XChara's argument, he didn't see Dream approaching her and he flinched a bit.


"Hi, Cross." Dream greeted him happily, "So what do you think of helping?"

He smiled. "I would love that."

Suddenly, Dream widened her eyes as her eyes are filled with terror. Yet, she didn't hesitate but froze in fear. Cross blinked his socket eyes and stared at her with a worried look. He didn't hear her breathing.

"Dream? Are you okay?"

"Oh, no..."

"What is it?"

"It's Nightmare... He's..."

He placed his hand on her hands and shook her gently. "He's what, love? What is it?"

Dream stared at his gaze. "He's attacking Underswap..." She murmured quietly, "My positive is sinking me in..."

Then Cross grabbed her in the left hand and gave her a nod with a frown. He was filed with determination. "Let's go."

Dream smiles at him. "Thanks, Cross." Then she summoned her light so that it could lead them to the portal. She held onto his hand and was ready to enter the portal then Undersewap.

"Let's go." She said.

Cross nodded. He followed after she held onto her hand tightly in the process before entering the portal. "Together." He said. The two jumped into the portal, hand in hand.


When they arrived at Underswap, they saw the whole place was burned down and all the people are filled with negativity, which surprised Dream and the phantom Kurama. Everything was damaged. Everything is filled with dust around Snowdin. Everything was destroyed.

"The Underswap. It's all ruined. How could my brother do this?" Dream said, looking around the town. She tightens Cross's hand before she could let him go.

Cross summoned his blade, he quickly wrapped his right arm around Dream in protection. Suddenly, she caught a familiar young skeleton who was weeping and sounded broken.

"Blue! Are you okay!?" Dream ran towards him as she embraced him.

"No... I'm not okay..." Blue sobbed.

"What? Why?"

"Because everyone is dead. My brother Papyrus... My friends... The Queen... And my friends, Undyne and Alphys..." Blue sobbed more. His tears are streaming down his face.

"Don't worry, Blue. I'm sure Ink will--"

"Why do you think Ink can always do!? Revive our AUs!? Ink was nothing but a coward! Yet, he'd rather watch over our AUs than let everyone destroy my home! That's what he does! He'll never be the hero that he used to be!"

Dream was shocked. "I'm sure Chara will fix this. She can reset the--"

"They took Chara!"

She blinked in shock.

"Nightmare has taken her away from us. And now the whole world was a mess and ill never bring them back...!"

Dream padded his left shoulder and gave a nod with a determined look. "Don't worry, Blue. We'll rescue Chara then Underswap will go back to normal. I promise."

Blue sighed. "I'm sorry for snapping."

"It's okay." She said, "We'll save your friends and even Papyrus and Chara."

He smiled as he hugged her. "Thank you. By the way, who's we?"

"I am." Cross interrupted as he approached them.

Blue stared at him curiously. "Who are you?"

"I'm Cross. The, um... friend of Dream."

"I see. A pleasure to meet you, Cross! I'm Blue!" He greeted him with a handshake.

"Likewise." Cross greeted back.

"Well, isn't that sweet?" A voice-deep monstrous voice interrupted as Cross widened his eyes in shock. Dream and Blue widened their eyes as well.

"Ni-Nightmare!" Cross stuttered as he sweatdropped.

"Brother!" Dream called out for him.

Nightmare smirked. "My only sister was dating my henchmen."

Dream was confused. "Henchmen?"

"It seemed like Cross has been keeping a secret from you. Well then, why not ask him yourself, little sis?"

Dream's eyes widen. She slowly spun around and faced Cross who looked scared a bit. "Cross... do you know my brother..."

"Dream... I... I..."

"Do you or do you not?" She repeated, her eyes filled with tears.

He gave up. Cross sighed in defeat and started to explain it to her, "Yes, I do know him, but he is my boss."

"Does that mean...?" Blue said, pointing at him.

"Yes, I have work for Nightmare. I have to take orders for Nightmare, so I can destroy every AU. It's my job to ruin their lives or their AUs right before I met you, Dream. I've been Nightmare's servant for so long."

Dream was quiet. Tears are falling down her face. She clenched her fists tightly. She didn't say a word or didn't hesitate. He gritted her teeth in depression.

"You bastard!" She yelled at him.

Cross was shocked. He has never seen her so angry before. Yet, he didn't want his loved one to be like that.

"You tricked me! You were distracting me from Nightmare!"

"Dream, I can explain--"

"Shut up!" Dream screamed. She slapped him across his face. She summoned her now and arrows then she aimed at Cross.

"I trusted you!" She yelled between sobs.

"Dream, I am so--"

"Liar! I can't believe you! I trusted you! I believed, loved, and trusted in you! I made love to you! So now you trick me into believing in you!"

"Dream, listen for my reason!" Cross tried to stop her, but she shot her arrow at him and he managed to dodge it.

"No! Leave me alone! I hate you!" Dream yelled.

Cross was shocked of hearing her say 'I hate you'. He felt heartbroken when he realized she no longer loved him anymore. He wondered why he joined Nightmare into the Bad Sanses Squad. He shouldn't join Nightmare for offering before meeting Dream.

"Dream..." Cross said, his voice sounded depressed.

"Alright, enough with this romance situation. Cross, we're going to the next AUs."

Cross became pale. Yet, he looked emotional when he kept staring at his so-called ex-lover. This is the last time of seeing Dream before going with Nightmare. He knew Dream ignored him as she waited for him to leave.

"Dream... Goodbye, my love..." Then he and Nightmare left them alone in the Underswap, where he leaves Dream and falls to the ground crying. Blue comforted her, hugging her tightly.

Dream sobbed. "Why...?"

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