A True Happy Ending

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Dream woke up and looked around her room. It was bright due to the morning sun. She rubbed her skull and looked beside her bed where she lay beside her husband, Cross. He looked peaceful in his sleep. However, when she was about to get off the bed, she saw the door opening and it revealed her two children.

"Mommy! Daddy! Good morning!" They yelled as they climbed onto the bed and crawled over their father Cross which woke him up.

Dream chuckled. "Good morning, Starcross and Lux." She said as she kissed both of them, especially her husband.

"Mommy, are we going to see Grandpa XGaster?" Lux asked her curiously.

"Soon, dear. We'll see him when we get up from the bed and eat some breakfast." Dream suggested.

"Okay, Mommy," Lux said happily as she got off the bed and ran towards the door.

"Wait up, Lux!" Starcross called out his older twin sister as he chased after her.

When the kids are gone, Dream began to embrace him with a sound of purr. "Morning, Cross." She greeted her husband as she kissed him on his left cheekbone.

"Good morning, Sunshine." Cross greeted back, blushing softly.

"I heard from XGaster about getting recognized for his scientific projects. He invited us to come over to his house for the party." Dream said.

He chuckled. "Yeah, I suppose it. After all, he was like my dad to me and I would appreciate him for taking care of me and Paps."

Dream smiled. "He would be a proud father."

"More like a proud man." He suggested, pointing it out.

"Now let's go get some breakfast and then we'll go see XGaster." Dream said as she and Cross got off the bed and ready to get dressed.


Any of you what happened to Dream, well...

After she rested the world, a timeline changed and she made a perfect life for them, bringing her friends back and their universe back. She also took care of XGaster's problem after the battle they had. XGaster has changed to be a better man and realized why he chose to move forward to his future. His life was mistaken. He thanked me for everything. However, after the timeline has changed, XGaster adopted Cross and XPapyrus and made them become brothers of XChara and XFrisk. Well, he was supposed to send his sons to XAsgore and XToriel right before XAsriel was born.

Even though Kurama was still living inside of her as a jailer living person's body, she knew she could find a way to release him. XGaster was the only one who can help her release Kurama from the Jinnchuriki prison, and Kurama was happy to be free again.

When their lives changed, Dream protected and helped her older twin brother Nightmare this whole time. This time she would save him from death, even the villagers. Now the mob of villagers respected him. Nightmare also learned how to control his power after he has eaten the black apple again. Dream knows how to control her power, too. Nightmare became happier until his life changes forever. When they grew up, Nightmare made new friends with Dust, Killer, Horror, and Error. However, he became the new leader of the Bad Sans Squad.

After Nightmare's life, Dream finally made new friends with Ink, Blue, and anyone else from the alternative universe. She also became part of the Star Sanses. Also, Ink looked so happy again. He no longer has emotions. She heard from Ink who was taken by Error and ends up having a child named Paperjam and Blueberry ends up updating the friend of Nightmare's, Dust.

Lastly, after making things right, she finally got back with Cross and got married again until they had twins, Lux, the older one, and Starcross, the younger one. She knew her life will always change forever and always.

When they arrived at XGaster's house, they went inside the house and they were surrounded by humans and monsters. Dream knew everyone lived in harmony.

"Grandpa Dadster!" Starcross and Lux called out as they ran towards him and hugged him which made Dream chuckle.

"Hello, XGaster." Dream greeted him with kindness.

"Dreamy, good to see you again." XGaster greeted her back.

"So you finally invited us?" Cross asked with a smirk.

"Yes, but I apologize because I have a lot of work to do," XGaster said.

"It's okay." Dream said.



"Thank you for everything," XGaster said quietly.

She smiled. "You're welcome, Dadster."

Then Cross started to laugh as XGaster blushed heavily as they saw XPapyrus hugging Lux and Starcross with his wide arms. And here are XAsriel and XFrisk who joined a group hug with them. Well, XChara was feeling uncomfortable about a group hug. However, there are more people that Dream knew of them before.

"Dreamy!" Ink called out for his best friend as he hugged her tightly.

"Hey, Inky." Dream said as she hugged him back.

"Long time no see. How is life?" Ink asked happily.

"It was great." She responded, smiling.

"Bruh!" It was Epic who called out for them. They saw him running towards them.

"Hey, dude." Cross waved at him.

"Guess what? I joined the Police Force!" Epic said happily.

"Wow, that's great, dude," Cross exclaimed.

"Congratulations, Epic." Ink said happily.

"Thanks, guys. I think I'm gonna cry!"

"Anyways, let's have some, shall we?" Dream suggested with a smile.

"Great idea." Cross agreed with his wife.

"By the way, when is Nightmare coming?" Epic asked curiously.

"Well, he might be here for a moment when he gets to meet the kids. I'm sure of it." Dream said as she and the others enjoyed their life while having fun. She watched over her kids who played with Paperjam, the child of Ink and Error. She looked over and watched over the people while she was having an adult conversation with her family. She knew has changed forever and how her story ends.

The End


XGaster: "Greetings, everyone, I have some wonderful news. You see..." *He shows everyone his pregnancy* "I am pregnant, my friends and children. And it's gonna be a beautiful baby boy."

Kurama: "What the fuck, XGaster? When did you get pregnant?"

XGaster: "Why, the baby is yours, Kurama."

Kurama: *He widens his eyes* "What the fuck!?"

XGaster: *He laughs* "I'm kidding, Kurama. It's not your baby."

Kurama: *He sighs in relief* "Thank God... But XGaster, don't you ever do that again!"

XGaster: *He smiles widely* "I won't, my dear foxy boy."

Kurama: *He sighs in annoyance before he announces* "I want to thank you all for reading this story. Please follow HeavenOfNirvana, put comments, and put vote if not, I'll take your cookies away from you. I'm kidding. You guys can have cookies. Thank you."

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