The Wrath of the Bad Sanses

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When they arrived at Outertale, they found XChara was captured by Nightmare and Killer when they forced him to join their pack as they noticed they were replacing Cross with him. Cross was furious? Yet, he was angry at XChara for betraying them. Even his loved one of his life Dream. As they approached, everyone glared at their enemies.

"Nightmare." Ink said it in a tone of voice.

He glanced his eyes at them and smirked at them. "So you guys had finally found us. Good for you."

"Enough games, Nighty. Just let Chara go. He doesn't deserve you to be your tool." Dream said as she summoned her staff into bow and arrows before she aimed at them. Kurama, the one who sat on her left shoulder with his small size, growled at them furiously.

"You and what army?" Nightmare questioned her. Suddenly, Error shows up when he tied them up with his blue stings. Except for Ink who looked surprised.

Error glared at him. "Ink! Do you think I won't turn the entire Multiverse into pieces of garbage because everything you're doing is just a simple game!?"

Ink smirked at him. "It's called the X-Event, Error."

"I don't give a damn what is it!" Error yelled.

"Error, I'm trying to be patient with you, but your temper won't help for me." Ink said.

"You shut your fucking mouth, Ink! I'm going to destroy everything you created!" Error yelled with a smirk.

Ink sighed with a smirk. "Then you leave me no choice." Then Ink dashed toward Error with a powerful kick when he pounds him into his chest, causing him to fall to the ground, but Error managed to stand up straight.

Error summoned his red spawn bones and then aimed at Ink when he summoned gaster blaster to destroy him, but Ink managed to dodge his attack. But Error used his blue strings again and tired him around his left ankle. He threw across the sky until Ink lands on the ground. His broom was broken in half.

Suddenly, Ink dropped something special to him, but no... not special. It was his keepsake, the vial half soul. Ink sweatdropped when he heard a small crack from the vial half-soul. He knew it was about to break apart which made him a bit scared. XChara noticed that. He smirked when he was about to steal the vial, but he knew he was interrupted by Epic who caught his eye on him for trying to escape again. Ink thanked Epic for protecting it.

Ink managed to summon his black ink bones to defeat Error, but he knew he missed when he saw him dodging his attack. But one of the liquid inks surrounded Error when he decided to retreat as he headed towards Epic who still carried the vial soul when he finally grabbed it immediately. But XChara won't give up when he took the vial from them. So now Ink has to make a deal with him with obvious.

XChara managed to escape again, but he was stopped by Cross with his twin blades. When he was about to defeat XChara, he didn't know where he was aiming at.

"Cross, dont!" Ink shouted, trying to stop them when Cross was aiming at the vial soul where XChara was carrying it with his left hand.

Too late, Cross slashed his hand which made him drop the vial that it caused to shattered into pieces. Ink became pale when he knew they revied a friend of his... XGaster.

"Oh, no." Ink whispered.

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