Taken For The Bride

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When they got home from the wedding, they finally made it to the hotel where they can spend their time together. However, they knew they had gone to the same hotel as before.

"Um, Cross. Don't you think it's a lot for both of us?" Dream asked curiously.

"Yep. Although you must admit that this room is nice." Cross replied.

"I think you're right." She smiled.

Then he gave her a smirk on his face. "So after we got married, we should do something fun."

"Huh?" Dream was confused. Suddenly, she noticed what he means until she was lightly pinned down on the bed by Cross. The two of them blushed as they were gazing into each other's eyes.

"Are you ready, Dreamy?" Cross asked before he could taste her beautiful lips.

"With you ever." Dream said.

Then Cross pulled her closer and placed his lips against hers. Dream felt like she was on fire as he held her close while kissing her. He soon undressed her white wedding dress, revealing her naked skeleton bones. Dream was half-naked, anyway. Most likely for Dream, she couldn't help herself. She wanted to undress him as he did before, so she undressed him, almost revealing his full skeleton body. She could see his strong rib chest when she blushed heavily. Soon enough they both faced each other while gazing into their eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, we did this before. You know I might you hurt again." Cross said, hoping he doesn't get too rough on her when he was a bit nervous about it.

"It's okay. I can handle it. The only thing is, Cross, do you want to do this as well?" Dream said.

Without saying anything, Cross leaned in and captured her in his. Within a few seconds, he let go of her lips and faced her again. "Of course I do." He replied, "I'll make sure to be gentle on you again. I promise I won't hurt you. And I also won't get you pregnant."

"Okay," Dream said, taking her breath in and out. She wrapped her arms around his neck as they continued to kiss before Cross could take over her body. After another kiss, they both faced again until he leaned close to the jawline that made Dream turned her head to the left, and made her moan in whimper softly. She could feel her rib chest pressed against his while arching her head up or her back widely. Her face is getting fluttering when she could feel him biting down on her neck, feeling him kissing her on the neck.

Cross trailed down to her rib breast with a kiss as he began to nip her gently at the tender nude of her monster soul. Dream moaned at the glorious sensation that Cross was doing to her beautiful body as he continued nipping her monster soul. Then he rolled them over, making him lay on top of her. He finally took off her clothes and he leaned into her womanhood. Without a warning, Dream felt the first touch on her tip, causing her to moan loudly as she closed her eyes tightly.

"C-Cross!" Dream moaned out.

He chuckled as Dream could feel a smile on his lips, and continued licking her opening until he could suck her tip. At that moment, Dream felt something coming closer from her insides. She moaned even louder with each thrust from his tongue. She wanted to scream so badly, but she violently released from her insides when she felt like she took her breath. It was like an explosion when she released herself from her womanhood. After that, he began to clean it up for three minutes then he undressed and revealed his naked strong skeleton body. Dream had to admit that his body looked handsome as always. So then Cross put a condom on to make sure he doesn't forget anything.

Cross position himself at her entrance when he was about to enter her beings. "Are you ready?" He asked, gazing at her.

She nodded with a breath she takes until she could feel his manhood enter her womanhood which made her whimper. Tears formed in her eyes as Dream cried out in bearable pain being inflicted on her once again. She knew she wasn't a virgin anymore. She was free from prison.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?" Cross asked, worryingly.

"No, please don't. I want you." Dream pleaded with him.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded. "Yes." She replied, "Please take it easy on me."

"Okay." Cross said, "I won't be able to stop after this. If you want me to stop, let me know, okay?"

She nodded again. "Okay." She panted, "I want to be yours, Cross."

He smiled. Then he started to thrust slowly entering her inside, while Dream was moaning in pleasure as her face gone blushing heavier. She couldn't help it. She wrapped her arms around his back and crawl it. She could feel the tears falling from her face. Cross started to lick it, wiping the tears off of her face. While he kept thrusting inside of her, it was becoming unbearable when she felt really good.

Dream faced him once again. "Faster."

As she pleaded with him, Cross began to thrust as he picked his pace, sending her immense pleasure. Dream wanted to scream so badly, but she kept on moaning loudly in pleasure. Soon familiar feelings started forming in her lower abdomen as she wrapped her legs around his waist and Cross placed a hand onto her hip, going faster at inhuman speed.

"Cross, I--" Before she could scream with stuttering sentences, Cross bared his teeth and released his seeds inside her womb as he pounced onto her a few more times. He held onto her hands tightly. Dream screamed out his name, finally reaching the end of her limits. After that, he pulled it out after exhaustion, he held his hand onto Dream's left cheek, and then placed his lips onto hers. After a kiss, they both smiled at each other.

"I love you, Cross," Dream said.

"I love you too, Sunshine," Cross said. Then he held in his arms throughout the night as Dream slept instantly that Cross gave her a light peck on her cheek.

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