The Marriage

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It was the day of their wedding. They had six days of XGaster's arrival. Everyone gathered around inside the castle. Epic, his family, and his friends were invited to their wedding as well.

When they were invited to their wedding,

Epic saw Kurama in his human form talking to Cross who looked nervous as he tried to calm him down. Epic decided to go talk to them instantly, seeing what was going on.

"What's going on, Kuram-bruh?" Epic asked curiously.

"Cross is freaking out," Kurama said with a sweatdrop.

"I can't help it. Can somebody slap me in the face?" Cross asked, panicking.

Epic smiled. "Sure, bruh!" He exclaimed, then he slapped him across the face to make him feel better. Everyone especially Core Frisk and her two friends, Swap Chara and Fell Frisk, just saw that.

"Epic, what the hell!?" Kurama shouted.

"What? He needed my help, right? So I slapped him." Epic smiled.

"Not in front of the people!" Kurama shouted in anger.

Epic ignored him as he spun around and faced Cross. He placed his hands onto his shoulders swiftly. "How do you feel, bruh?"

"I'm okay, dude. Thank you." Cross said awkwardly.

"Now listen, bruh, I don't want you to ruin your day. Today is your special day and it's your happy day. However, don't get too nervous. This is your day. Be happy, bruh."

Cross smiled. "Alright, dude. Thanks."

Epic nodded in response before the wedding starts. Core Frisk asked him why would he slap Cross in the face. He said he was freaking out, so he can take care of his situation. So the wedding starts.

One of the others took their seat and waited for Dream to walk down an aisle. When the music started, Dream was finally arriving with her adoptive father-in-law Epic Gaster who was walking beside her. When they got there, she took Cross's hand right before the priest began.

Cross blushed softly, staring at her wedding dress. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you, Cross." Dream replied, blushing back.

"We are gathered here today to welcome this man and woman in holy matrimony and I have been told that they had written their vows and so who will go first."

"I will." Cross said before he could read his vow letter, "Dream, when I first met you, you were a strong, caring, and kind-hearted person. You changed me to become a better person, so I realized why I had done such a terrible crime when I had no feelings. You saved me from the darkness until I was a better person. When I came back to you, I would never leave your side and always be there to protect and I love you."

"Cross, when I first met you in Outertale, you were the cold-hearted person when I realized you had those negative feelings, so I came here to save you from the darkness. When I was alone to face my enemies, you saved my life and you were my hero until I started to have my feelings for you. You are the first person I cared about and I love you." Dream said, reading the vow letter.

"Now that the vows have been said I shall begin. Do you, Cross, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," Cross said.

"And do you, Dream, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," Dream said.

"I now produce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

After that, they kissed and everyone applauded their hands while cheering out for Cross and Dream. After that, they began to have a party and Dream knew her life was the best, but they still need to defeat XGaster from his evil plans. While it was going, Cross and Dream were ready to take off until Epic interrupted them with a grin.

"Remember, Cross," Epic said as he brought a condom for his best friend with a smirk, "Protect yourself even after midnight."

Cross blushed heavily in embarrassment as he sweeps his arm and grabbed it. "Dude, what the hell!?" Then everyone started to laugh until they both left the party when they headed their way to the hotel.

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