Core's Warning

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"So, Cross, you two finally had sex?" Epic grinned at his best friend, teasing him instantly while sitting on the couch. Dream blushed in embarrassment as she hides with her cape. Cross blushed heavily in embarrassment as well as he was glaring at him. Well, they were glad nobody hears it because they were asleep.

"Shut up, dude," Cross grumbled, hitting him in the back which made Epic yelp in a bit of pain.

"I think I should head back to my room." Dream said, pointing upstairs before she headed her way to the bedroom.

"So, bruh?" Epic asked, smirking at him.

"Amazing." Cross sighed, hoping his head back onto the couch as he felt relaxed. Even though last night was amazing after he made love with his girlfriend. He crossed his arms behind the back of his skull while he was staring at the ceiling.

"That's great, bruh! I knew you two would make up." Epic exclaimed happily.

"Just one problem, dude."

"Yeah, bruh?" Epic asked.

"If I didn't use protection, does that mean she's gonna get pregnant?" Cross asked him in a concerned voice.

"Bruh, calm down. She's very young and she can't get pregnant. It will take a few months until she'll have your baby." Epic said with a winking eye.

Cross stared at his gaze. "So that's okay, dude? Even though she's still young and she reminded me of a teenager."

"I thought so, too."

"Another problem."

"What?" Epic asked.

"I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep without her," Cross confessed.

"I've noticed." Epic pointed it out.

"She doesn't have a nightmare when someone's with her," Cross said.

"Well, maybe it's best if she always has it with her at night. It gives you easier access to her in the morning." Epic grinned, placing his left onto his chin.

Cross sweatdropped with a pale look on his face. "Dream will be pissed, dude." He reminded him, chuckling nervously.

"That's what I'm hoping for, bruh," Epic responded.


When Dream was alone in bed, she felt sore in her lower part. Dream knew she had sex last night before this. It hurts like hell. She lay on the bed, wanting the pain to go away until someone teleported into her room. She flinched in shock as pain strikes her instantly. She spun around and saw it was Core Frisk. She saw a worried look on her face.

"Core? What's going on? Is something wrong?" Dream asked.

"Dreamy, there's something that happened in the Underswap, Underfell, and Dreamtale." Core panicked.

She was confused a bit. "What do you mean?"

"I saw Alphys from X-tale has absorbed Underswap, Underfell, and Dreamtale with the code but the sheet of paper. It looks like the whole AUs vanished into the void."

Dream widened her eyes. "What? Does that mean they have taken our home?"

Core nodded in response.

She got up from the bed and clenched her fists tightly. "I have to warn the others about this."

"We better hurry or else they'll might know where we are," Core warned her, then she and Dream headed their way to warn the others.


Meanwhile, a black skeleton with blue streams running from his eyes, which his scleras are red, his comea are yellow, and his pupils are blue enters the Doodle Sphere and proceeded to tie up all the AUs.

"The Doodle Sphere... What a stupid fancy skin for all these stupid anomalies!" He said, expressing his hatred toward the Doodle Sphere before he could go find Ink.

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