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Art Credit: @miithers on Tumblr

NOTE: The author's notes in this chapter (excluding this one and the one about the comment section yelling about the Stolls not being twins) are what is actually written by other authors in stories like these

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NOTE: The author's notes in this chapter (excluding this one and the one about the comment section yelling about the Stolls not being twins) are what is actually written by other authors in stories like these. They are not ours. 

Another thing, this topic is pretty popular amongst fanfic authors, so once again, this is NOT meant to call you out or make you feel bad. PLEASE do not feel bad. If you do, we apologise in advance.


OMGZ HAI! Okay, like, my name is Brittany Buttercup, and I'm like the most popular girl in, like, Goode High school because, like, my daddy is like, the principal. If you don't know that, you're clearly, like, living under a rock.

Anywayyyyy, I'm also like, the prettiest one in this school. I've dated like, every single boy here, but dumped them the second they fell for my natural blonde hair (A/N they were fake as hell),  natural tan (A/N can I please barf now?) and natural blue orbs (A/N ha, yeah. *barfs*)

The only one I hadn't dated yet, however, was Percyyy. He was, like, the hottest boy in the entiiire school. Every girl fell for his raven-black hair and sea-green orbs and tried asking him out. But he kept turning them down because he had, like, a "girlfriend". 

Obviously, he was waiting for me to ask him out.

I sauntered up to him and tried to, like, kiss him. He pushed me away. I squeezed a few tears into my orbs hoping for him to take sympathy and date me.

"I have a girlfriend Brittany!" I swooned at the way he called my name. "If you don't believe me, she's coming to pick me up from school today." 

I huffed and walked away. 

Of course he was lying. 

Percy Jackson was mine. 

—Time Skippitty—

I strutted outside after class with my minions- I mean, friends, trailing behind me. I was gonna make Percy mine. (A/N This ~CENSORED~ is so ~CENSORED~ dumb)

Percy seemed to be waiting for, like, someone.

Must be me.

"Heyyyy Perrrceee," I purred, trailing my fingers down his muscled arm.

I saw a grey convertible from which a dumb blonde appeared, wearing grey sunglasses. She went up to Percyyyyyy, and kissed him. I expected him to push her away and proclaim his undying love and loyalty to me, but he kissed her back. I pushed the two apart and slapped the girl. 

She had the audacity to punch me back!!!!! >:(((((

A huge orange van named "Delphi Strawberry Service" came up behind and a girl with choppy brown hair, a boy with blonde hair and a cute scar on his upper lip, a Latino who looked like an elf, an emo guy, a literal ray of sunshine, a girl with flowers in her hair, a pair of hot twins (*cue the comment section yelling they aren't twins*), a big dude with warm brown orbs and a short dark girl holding his hand stepped down and hurled insults at me.

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