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Art Credit: @cryptidw00rm on Tumblr

*For better and more reliable info check out some posts by genderqueer folks on Tumblr/Twitter/Wattpad/some other website, since they can probably explain it better than us

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*For better and more reliable info check out some posts by genderqueer folks on Tumblr/Twitter/Wattpad/some other website, since they can probably explain it better than us.*


-She's petite. Like, 5'2" - 5'5". So, remember to drink your daily "respect short people" juice, or become the dirt we walk on :)

-One of her eyes (orbs) is dark brown and the other is pale amber.

-Yes, you have the permission to ignore the entire thing about Alex's voice changing every time with her gender that Rick mentioned because that's stupid. (Also the hair part.) (Wow, Rick.)

-She has a tattoo, actually. Many of you seem to forget that.

-She is of Mexican descent! She does occasionally converse in Spanish! Like Leo! [cue the comment section bursting with headcanons.]


-Alex is genderfluid transgender.

-Some genderfluid folks prefer they/them or other pronouns, but Alex does not. So please don't. (This also means you, Read Riordan dot com.)

-Yes, she was assigned male at birth. Not female. Dear pregnancy AUs, please stop. It's pretty offensive. Also, they (the einherjar) can't have children anyway, since they're dead.

-And yes, you can default to she/her pronouns for Alex most of the time. BUT, that does not mean you disregard the fact that she does use he/him pronouns during her male days.

-When talking about a particular time, refer to her with either she/her or he/him pronouns. Please do not use them interchangeably.

-Her. Physical. Body. Does. Not. Change. With. Her. Gender.

-She cannot shapeshift her physical features into looking like the gender she is at that moment in time.

-Yes, dysphoria does exist but that does not mean you can make her physically change her body every time she shifts genders because we're pretty sure that's a little offensive.


-She's a badass with an amazing sense of fashion. Respect it.

-She can definitely stand up for herself, thank you very much. Magnus does not need to be her knight in shining armour (dude can't even fight to save his own life without Jack's help, so...) She can very much stand up to transphobes on her own. You can add the others offering her encouragement and supporting her as she stands them down or even helping her, but she's very much proud of who she is and does not take crap from anyone. (Don't fall into the cliché trope of the queer folks being weak/needing saving all the time, kids.)


-Decapitation is not always the method she uses to kill people.

-It may surprise you, but she can go a long time without decapitating Magnus. She does not feel obligated to do it every five minutes.

-Honestly, she doesn't only kill Magnus, others can also be killed by her.

-She has a hunting knife in canon!



Belinda Botany POV

I strutted up to my Magy Wagy. (Won Won who?) Then I saw the annoying queer girl talking to him. Ugh, how dare she talk to MY Magy Wagy. I walked up to him and pushed her aside. Then I pressed my lips against his (Consent is, unfortunately, still in Atlantis despite the several tears shed and multiple pleas for it to come back.) To my surprise, he did not kiss me back and beg me to go out with him. He pushed me away. How dare he. Then he kissed the queer girl. What MY Magy Wagy was queer!. The girl used a wire to kill me and now I'm in helheim having to watch them kiss all the time.


Bryce Jock POV

I was walking down the street with my homies when I saw That [censored*] holding hands with a blonde dude. I started mocking them and Calling them the most unoriginal slurs in my dictionary and tears started falling out of the Alex dude's orbs. The blondie yelled "THAT's mY GIRLFRIEND YOU wILd pOTATO!" and cHarged at me. I laughed the disney villain laugh™, he was so scrawny. But then he pulled out this yellow baseball bat thing, spoke to it (lol what a weirdo) and threw it so hard it knocked out me and my bros in one throw. I will forever have a big red mark on my head from that. Maybe the gurlz might find it attRactive?!??!?!

[*When you're writing a slur without any censoring, please remember to put a trigger warning before you do so. Thanks!]


-We forgot to mention this in the Magnus chapter, but when Alex is female, that does not make Magnus straight for that period of time. It does not change the fact that he's queer. They're both queer, in a queer relationship, and that's that.

-Alex does not necessarily always have to be the one being comforted. That's not what makes a good relationship. They both have their fair share of trauma and they both have to help each other out, rather than just one doing so for the other. That is what makes it a healthy relationship.

-Alex calls Magnus "Maggie" once, and after he says he doesn't like that name, she never uses it again. (Probably because she's gone through her own share of nicknames/names she doesn't like).

-What makes them so interesting and unique from the other Riordanverse couples (*cough* Percabeth clones *cough*) is that they both have their boundaries and don't really prefer physical contact much.

-We really don't think she acts like Luna Moon when it comes to being jealous, or to put it in better words: oh-my-gerd-is-that-gurl-hitting-on-my-crush-WHAT-okay-let-me-just-stomp-out-of-here-loudly-and-go-to-my-room-and-cry-and-scream-and-leave-the-door-open-long-enough-to-let-him-enter-and-comfort-me-and-kISS-ME-WITHOUT-CONSENT-AND-THEN-PROCEED-TO-MAKE-OUT.

Thank you for your time.

*Slight change in plans, by the way. There are now going to be 41 chapters, with chapter 41 being the aforementioned surprise.*

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