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Request by: Piece_of_toast


-Luke Castellan, the toxic ex-boyfriend who abused our lovely Annabae in some or the other way.

-(His age is magically reduced in fanfics, thank goodness.)

-A villain with hardly any explanation of his backstory or why he was, well, the way he was.

-Disney 100% approves of this, I mean, look at him. Extremely evil with no redemption arc? Beautiful. Showstopping. Spectacular. Incredible. Absolutely wonderful.

-Percy Jackson, the dork/complete idiot with no brains at all/bad boy/jock who's good at every sport/the hot, popular dude/captain of the swim team/Mr. Rules-were-made-to-be-broken who completely disregards the canon Percy, who did not intentionally break the rules, in fear of disappointing his mother/Mr. I-love-the-color-blue-more-than-anything-else-in-this-world/Mr. Oopsie-daisy-that-redhead-just-kissed-me-while-my-girlfriend-was-there-and-I-did-not-pull-away-for-a-good-five-minutes-but-I-still-blame-everything-on-Rachel/Mr. Let-me-just-show-off-so-every-girl-swoons-but-I-am-still-oBlIvIoUs, etc.

-They meet in school/summer camp.

-Typical enemies to lovers.

-"I hAtE hIm."

-"BUt uGh, wHy dOeS hE hAvE tO bE sO hOt-"

-"(Gasp) I​ kissed him and now we are dating. Yay!"

-Dear readers, if you are wondering where the consent disappeared, it is currently taking a vacation in Atlantis. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. You will find your life jackets safely stored in the left hand compartment below your seats in case you wish to exit the world of fanfiction. Thank you for flying with us.

-He's the dumbest human to exist in the "orbs" of our dearest Annabae, followed very closely by Leo.

-Clouds loathe the amount of fluff they have.


-Like mentioned before, Annabae cheats on Percy with Nate River Waters.

-When Percy comes back she fails to recognize him. (This is how all girlfriends should be. Not even able to recognize their boyfriend, even though the voice is literally the same and your friend charmspeaks quite a lot so technically you should be able to recognise and resist this random evil dude's charmspeak.)

-She suddenly becomes a doctor and treats Percy's wounds after the battle. 'Cause all the others have self-healing powers and don't need treatment. The healers, meanwhile, are on Vormir looking for the soul stone.

-*cue the dramatic scene as Percy reveals himself*

"oH pErCy, i nEvEr sToPpEd lOoKiNg fOR yOu"

"i wAs uNdEr tHe sPeLl oF tHaT eViL (bleep), wHoM i bElIeVeD eVeN aFtEr mY aBaNdOnMeNt iSsUeS aNd tHe fAcT tHaT i wAs yOuR tIe tO tHe mOrTaL wOrLd."

-Intense Percabeth angst, so angsty that it makes that scene where Jem told everyone to stop looking for a cure for his dying self, jealous.

-THE END, because Percy decided to trust her again even after the cheating stuff.


-*drops an Argo II full of Percabeth fluff*

-"Me with my girlies 😍❤ Love you gals #bffs4life"

-That's it.


-"mY tAtToO iS a bLuE cOoKiE! oH dEaR mE, mY sOuLmAtE mUsT bE vErY wEiRd. i hAtE mY lIfE. i hOpE iT's nOt tHaT pEtEr jOhNsOn kId wHo iS lItErAlLy tHe oNlY pErSoN i kNoW tO eAt bLuE cOoKiEs. hE pRoBaBlY hAs cOoTiEs, eW."

-"Meet my best friends-" *points at the Seven*

Grover: But-

*kicks Grover, Juniper and their 2.5 kids back to Mars*

"...anyway, Pipes and I have known each other since we were just tiny cells. We used to talk about our mitochondria a lot. It was awesome-"

-"oH mY gAwD wHo iS tHaT hOt nEw kId?"

-" uGh i hAtE tHaT aNnOyInG nEw kId."

-"wHy aRe wE sOuLmAteS? i hAtE hIm aNd hE hAtEs mE."

-"*gasp* wE kIsSeD (consent is still in Atlantis) aNd nOw wE aRe dAtInG!"

-*insert a cliché epilogue where the two get married, have children who are probably horses for all we know, die, no one really cares because it's literally the same thing over and over*



*deep narrator voices*

-A poor girl, living in rags, is invited by the charming prince to take part in the wonderful Selection, where the Prince shall choose his loving wife, fit to rule the kingdom of Ilea. She is shocked by this. She doesn't even know anyone from the Palace! (And neither do they but shush.)

-Hazel, Thalia, Reyna, Piper, Calypso, Rachel, Kelli, Drew, etc. are all a part of the selection!

-They fall in love with their respective significant others (if they have one). Reyna and Thalia realise they don't need no man and join a group of cool le- sorry, hUnTeRs. What a shocker!

-Kelli and Drew have made it their sole purpose as the most repetitive antagonists to destroy poor Annabae's life (because, why have a life when you have all the expensive jewels in the world?), after all the hardships she has gone through. Her cousins, aunts and uncles are off somewhere in a different land having their own Royalty AUs. And her, oh, the poor girl scrubs the stone floor of her very own home, because her evil step-mother Helen thinks she is an abomination to society!

-She has many interactions with the handsome- uhm stupid (she meant stupid, obviously) prince and they slowly fall in love!

-Eventually, her, Kelli and Drew are left!

-Do you know who Prince Percy, son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon Jackson (because Paul went to go get milk and never came back) chooses as his queen?

Are you sure?

We're certain you wouldn't guess it.

Oh... you did?

Fine, you were correct.

It was, drumroll please, ANNABAE CHEESE!

-And then they lived happily ever after with their kids named after their dead friends!


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