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Art Credit: was @llamangos on Tumblr and Instagram. The account has now been moved.


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*Credit for the first few lines goes to Blood of Olympus, because authors usually just copy-paste the entire last scene, so that's what we did as well.*


The Sunshine and the Darkness


The Sun and the Star: A Nico di Angelo Adventure (sorry)

by Amber and Selene

"Right," Nico said again. "But it's cool. We're cool. I mean, I see now... you're cute, but you're not my type."

"I'm not your type... Wait. So-"

"See you around, Percy," Nico said. "Annabeth."

She raised her hand for a high five.

Nico obliged. Then he walked back across the green, to where Will Solace was waiting.

Will grabbed ahold of Nico's wrist and started dragging him to the infirmary because that's obviously not the kind of stuff that forms Will haters.

"Where are you taking me?" Nico asked, while simultaneously drooling over the blonde dragging him.

"You are grievously injured, Niccolo you-apparently-have-a-middle-name-now-even-though-Italians-don't-usually-have-middle-names di Angelo!! I must take you to the infirmary!!!"

Will forced Nico to drink 15 gallons of medicine because that's not bad for your health at all and then used a hammer to knock him out so that he could rest.

Nico woke up screaming, despite having taken enough medicine to not only prevent nightmares but also kill him despite being a demigod. Staring right down at him were bright blue orbs, an inch from his face. Nico screamed even louder and Will covered his mouth and shushed him loudly.

"It's just me, I was taking your blood pressure." Will grinned a smile so bright, Nico thought he must have gone blind. No seriously, all he could see were black and white spots.

What are you talking about? It was totally not creepy of him to take Nico, or as he will be soon known as, Neeks's blood pressure by being an inch away from his face while he was sleeping. It's not like this is literally an invasion of personal space or anything.

Anyway, Will scribbled something on his notepad and let Nico fall asleep again. This time, Nico dreamt of a certain blonde boy, as one does.

He woke up to hushed whispers that sounded an awful lot like Italian. He rubbed his eyes open to see the Apollo campers running around while conversing in... ITALIAN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

He decided not to say anything. This was going to be fun.

"Oh my god Willllll, you should totes get that emo boy Nicoooo"

"I knowwww he's so hottttt. If he weren't gay I would totally date himmm"

"I agree, he's so hawttt"

"HEY, HANDS OFF NICO, RYDER. HE'S MINE. If only he was like gay though..."

That last voice...

Oh golly gee, that was Will's voice!! The boy of his dreams- wait, what. Nico didn't like him. Absolutely not.

Will was definitely not gay and liked Nico, I mean Nico was emo and goth and *insert (derogatory) adjectives here*.

Nico suddenly realised that he was in love with Will, despite knowing him for just a day.

One of his three days in the infirmary were over. Nico fell asleep again. This time he had calming thoughts about torturing souls, you know, as one does.

Nico woke up to a pair of bright blue eyes like that hadn't happened before, and saw Will. "Hey Neeks," Will said. Nico swooned because of the nickname but managed to reply with a weak "hey".

Nico suddenly had the strength to move around and help Will in the infirmary (and also steal secret glances at the hot blonde son of Apollo).

He spent his day fantasizing about him. He caught himself staring at the blond, who apparently has no other description, multiple times. He overheard the Apollo campers talking about him again. The next day he decided to confess his love to the blond boy.

The following morning, he kissed Will (consent is still in Atlantis. The multiple rescue missions, to everyone's sorrow, had all failed.) and said, "Je vous aime" totally ignoring the fact that it was French not Italian.

Will was stunned because of Neeks's gayness.

He was too stunned to kiss him back which hurt Nico's feelings.

Nico ran out of the infirmary, crying. Will left the patient he was tending to and ran after him. "Je vous aime too, idiot," Will said and kissed him back.

The author totally ignored the fact that neither of them is very comfortable with kissing and saying I love you right at the beginning of their relationship as well as Nico's years of internalised homophobia and ended the story there.



Hey guys (read: exploding cathedrals)! In case you all missed our recent announcement:

So we will be ending Riordanverse Fanfictions in a Nutshell soon. The last chapter will be chapter 40. I know it's sad, but we've covered almost everything that could be covered and even repeated a few topics. It's been such a great time reading all the comments and writing chapters with extra cringe enough to give everyone a headache. But all good things must come to an end.

We can't really provide you guys with an updating schedule because, well, it'll never work, but it won't take too long.

Don't worry though, the 2.5 cult is still (partially) alive and accepting members (Forms available on twoandahalfcult)

There's also a really fun surprise planned for the last chapter.

As for us, we'll probably write another book. (Probably. It is not confirmed yet. Don't get your hopes up.)

Hope you enjoy the last few chapters!

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