It's Will Smith! - Tom Holland

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Riddle: What can bring back the dead; make you cry, make you laugh, make you you; is born in an instant, yet lasts a lifetime?


Tom was working out when he heard something fly into the window.

He quickly got up from doing his sit ups, and saw a pigeon land in the room.

"Uh, Y/n!?" He called.

"Yeah!?" He heard her yell back from the kitchen.

"There's a pigeon in here! He just like, flew in through the window!" He told her.

She opened the door to the gym and immediately spotted the pigeon. She held cereal without the milk in a bowl.

"Aw, look. It's Will Smith. Hi, man. I'm a huge fan of Spies In Disguise" Y/n said.

Tom smiled, "Oh, yeah. I forgot we made that movie" he quickly refrazed,
"I mean, like. Not that I forget working with Will Smith, just..."

Y/n took some of the Rice Krispies in her hand and knelt infront of the bird, holding out her hand to show him the cereal.

Meanwhile, Tom took out his phone and started recording. He got himself in frame, as well as Y/n and the bird.

"Hey, guys" he gave a small wave to the camera, "Just hangling out with
Y/n and Will Smith over here" he joked.

The pigeon waddled over to Y/n's hand and pecked at some of the cereal. "Hah! I'm feeding Will Smith out of my hand!" She joked.

Tom looked at her and chuckled.
She looked at him, then at the phone recording.

"Oh, hi there" she greeted.

Tom laughed and stopped recording, saving the video, then uploading it to his social media.

"Aw, Tom, no don't post it! I look like shit!" Y/n complained.

Tom looked at her with furrowed eyebrows, "N/n, you never look shit. Besides, I'm the one all sweaty and wearing no shirt" he replied.

Y/n looked down at his abs and bit her lip. "Yeah, but I like you like that" she mumbled, then gently picked up the bird and let him out the door, once she opened it.

She watched as he flew off, then smiled like nothing happened.

"Ok, I'm gonna go back to eating, you get back to working out an getting nice and" she bit her lip again, "Yeeaaahhh"

She exited the room, the only noise left was Tom laughing hysterically.

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