Quick Hide! (Dylan O'Brien)

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Y/n and Dylan's son, Tobey is going out for an hour or two.
Y/n grows suspicious of where he heads off to so she and Dylan agree to spy on him. Their suspicions are wrong as they get a heartwarming surprise.

Gf/n means Girlfriend's name

"I'm heading out!" Tobey announced as he put on his shoes at the door.

"Wait!" Y/n exclaimed as she jogged into the room from the kitchen.
"Where are you off to? What's got you all dressed up?"

Tobey glanced down at the nice outfit his wore, then back up at his mother.
"Uh, I'm going to my friends place...We're heading out then after" he answered.

Dylan then appeared from the living room. "Yeah? Don't drink too much" he told his son.

Tobey nodded. "Or try not to drink at all" Y/n added, nervously.

Tobey gave her a reassuring smile.
"Don't worry, Mom. One drink and that's it. Still gotta drive home anyways" he said.

Dylan rested an arm around Y/n shoulder. "Good man. Have fun" he said.

Tobey nodded before walking over and giving his mother an kiss on the forehead. "See you later" he said, before walking out the door and closing it behind him.

Y/n and Dylam stayed like that for about a minute before Y/n said.
"Okay, I'm gonna go get dressed"

Dylan looked at her confused as she practically ran to the bedroom, his hand dropping off her shoulder in the process.

"Wait, what? Where are you going?" Dylan asked as he followed after her.

"We're going to find Tobey and...look out for him" she responded.

"You mean spy on him?" Dylan stated as she got dressed.

Y/n thought about it for a second as she put on her shoes. "Yeah...?" She answered.

Dylan gave her a look making her shrug. "What? He's been fancying up and going out more often now. I wanna know if he's lying to us. I mean, yeah, I have faith that he's telling the truth but last time he said he was going to the restaurant.. by himself" she reasoned.

Dylan sighed. "Y/n, I know you're worrying about him but the kids gotta live a little. If we always hold a tight grip on him, he's not gonna learn any valuable life lessons. Maybe he just wants to experience life at its fullest" he tried convincing her.

Y/n stood up. "I know, I know. So if you don't want to come with, you don't have to" She shrugged as she past by him to head for the door.

"Oh no, I'm coming with" Dylan replied as he followed after her.

The two had found his car outside a house they didn't recognise. The two stared with furrowed eyebrows as Tobey walked out of the house with....a girl?

"Ooh, tea.." Y/n smiled. Dylan glanced at his wife before looking back at the couple as they got into Tobey's jeep.

The two followed Tobey's jeep until it stopped outside a local fancy-but-not-so-fancy restaurant.

The couple hopped out and entered the restraint as Y/n and Dylan watched them.

"We're seriously stalking our son only to find out he has a girlfriend? This is exciting" Dylan said, rubbing his hands together.

The two hopped out if the car and snook up to the front window of the restaurant, crouching so only their heads to show through the window.

Tobey pulled a chair out for the girl as she smiled at him and sat down before taking his own seat across the table from her.

A waiter came up, after what they wanted to eat and drink. Once he was gone, Tobey began saying things to make his date laugh or smile like complimenting her or telling a funny story as well as getting to know about her.

Y/n awed as Dylan nodded. "We taught him well" he said making Y/n smile.

Suddenly, Tobey's gaze went to the window.

Y/n swore under her breath. "Quick, hide!" She pulled Dylan down to hide behind a tall flower pot that hung on the window sill of the restaurant.

Tobey was sure he saw something but shrugged it off and looked back at the girl as the two smiled at eachother.

Y/n and Dylan waited a few more seconds before peeking back up to see Tobey and his date laughing about something.

Y/n pouted as she felt a warm feeling in her chest. "I think I'm gonna cry" she said already starting to sob.

Dylan looked at her before giving her a side hug as he glanced back up at his son with a proud smile.

"My baby's all gone up. He's gonna go away and..and, he might not come back" Y/n sobbed, half happy, half sad.

Dylan sighed as he rubbed her back, glancing behind him as a couple past by, looking at them weirdly.
"N/n, he won't leave forever. If this girl really is the one for him, we should be happy for them. Sure, he'll move away and have his own life. But I'm sure he'll visit. Because he loves us" Dylan reassured her.

Y/n stopped sobbing and nodded, lifting her head up to see Tobey had reached over the table to hold the girl's hand.

She sniffled. "I suppose your right, Dyl. I'm just being over-protective and dramatic" She said.

Dylan chuckled. "You're not being over-protective. You're just being a mother....You are being a little dramatic though, I agree" he said truthfully.

Y/n laughed before the two proceeded to stalk their kid while he was on a date.

After the day had ended, Y/n and Dylan went back to their car and waited for their son and his date to walk out before they went home before Tobey could.

As soon as Y/n opened the door to their house, both her and Dylan started jumping around in excitement.

"Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh, Oh, my gosh!" Y/n exclaimed as the two hugged. "I'm so happy!"

Dylan chuckled. "So am I, Darling. So am I" he replied.

Suddenly, the sound of the door opening cause the two to jump onto the couch, Dylan turning on the TV and Y/n grabbing a book, pretending she was reading it, even though it was upside down.

"Hey, I'm back!" Tobey announced as he set his car keys down. He walked into the living room to see his parents acting very suspicious.

He tilted his head as he looked at his Dad, who was watching a show he knew he hated. And then his Mom who was reading an upside down book.

"The date went really well. But...I guess you already knew that" Tobey smiled. His parents gazed shot up to meet his.
"Oh, you didn't think I knew you were there the whole time? Well, I did" he chuckled.

Dylan instantly pointed at Y/n. "She forced me into it! I didn't want to stalk you and your girlfriend but she is just..So convincing" he told him.

Y/n gave him a betrayed look before Tobey said. "It's okay. It's good to know you're looking out for me" he smiled before heading for his bedroom. "Hopefully next time, you two can meet her. Properly"

Y/n quickly stood up from the couch.
"What's her name, Tobes?" She asked.

Tobey looked back at the ground with a fond smile as he recalled the girl of his dreams. "Gf/n" he replied.

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