The Troubled (Tom Holland)

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In this imagine, Y/n and Tom star in a Netflix tv show called "The Troubled" (Which is not a real show, I made it up for this)
The show is about a couple who go through tuff times together, Will (Tom's character) taking it alot better then his wife Elena (Y/n's character)

Not for sensitive viewers as the first bit involves a physical and emotional fight between a man and woman which ends up in someone getting badly hurt.



"Look, can you just please calm down-" Elena asked as she slowly advanced towards him.

"Don't tell me to calm down, Don't even speak! I've had it with you and your lies! You're just a fake, lying to me doesn't fix things, it makes them worse! And I don't want you in my life anymore! Now get out before I call the cops!" Will shouted.

Elena's eyes darkened. "No..No this is my house! If you don't want to fucling be here, then you leave!" She exclaimed, getting up in his face before he pushed her away ruffly, the counter knocking her lower back as she fell on it.

"Stay the fuck away from me, you hear!? I bought this house for the two of us, I did! Just because you lived in it for the few weeks we've been apart, doesn't mean you now own the damn place!" Will glared at her.

She lunged at him, yelling. He grabbed a frying pan and once she was close enough, he whacked the side of her head with it. Her body collapsed to the ground, a trinkle of red liquid slowly trailed from where the pan had hit her.

She lay motionless. Will breathed shaking from fear she was dead. As he quickly crouched down beside her body, he lay two fingers on her neck pulse point. Thu-dum, Thu-dum, Thu-dum.

She was alive.


The audience clapped and cheered for the two actors sitting on the red couch.

"So that was a little glimpse at what will be the finale of the season. I can't wait for it to come out later this week. So, Tom and Y/n, was that scene..hard for you two to act?" Graham asked.

Y/n nodded as Tom replied. "Yes, very. That scene specifically where there's an actual physical fight between Will and Elena was the first physical fight in the whole series and I think the couple have a very strong connection with eachother that nobody else can, like, fill in if they do part ways. And I think it's very interesting to see, like, just how much they care and hate about eachother"

Y/n nodded along. "Yeah, that scene took a toll on me quite a bit, uh, both mentally and physically" the audience laughed. "That part where Will pushes her back into the kitchen counter, yeah, that kinda hurt because I lost my footing and that wasn't meant to happen. Our director, Augustine Frizzell thought it was perfect and kept it in so it was fine" she continued.

"And Will and Elena, do you think they will get together in the end or..stay away from eachother?" Garham asked.

Y/n played with her necklace as she she hummed. "Uhm, I personally think that they couldn't live without eachother" she answered making Tom nod in agreement.

"Yeah, they just had a very unique but strong bond together and I don't think that would ever end. I think we'll be seeing more of them...maybe" he said before anyone could get their hope's up.

Everyone chuckled at that. "And on set, are you two together most of the time or is it only for some scenes that you're together because the series mostly has clips of the two living their lives when the other isn't around, if you know what I mean" Graham asked.

"Uh, yeah, we spend mostly every chance we get with eachother. We never seem to get bored of one another so" The audience laughed as Y/n gave a laugh herself.

"Most of the time would be spent of Y/n just talking non-stop about hot celebrities" Tom laughed.

"Ooh, like who?" Graham asked looking at Y/n with a cheeky smile.

Y/n chuckled to herself, looking down at her lap before lifting her head as Tom began to count on his fingers as he spoke, the audience laughing as Y/n hid her face in her hands. "So, Andrew Garfield, Harry Styles, she will forever be in love with Harry Styles, Shawn Mendes, Timothée Chalamet, the list goes on, and on, and on" Tom continued.

Y/n smirked before saying. "You forgot yourself"

Tom turned red as the audience laughed and cheered. She smiled and turned her head towards Tom, who looked speechless.

"You like me?" He finally said loudly over the audience's cheers.

Y/n smiled brightly and nodded. Tom leant forward and kissed her cheek, leaving her speechless as he pulled away, the audience cheering even louder at the interaction.

The interview ended shortly after Tom offered to give Y/n a lift home as she had gotten a taxi there and didn't have a ride.

As Y/n sat in the passenger seat, figeting with her fingers as she thought over the kiss Tom had given her. It had sent a warm feeling around her body as his lips brushed her cheek.

She turned slightly in the seat as Tom finished fastening in his seatbelt. He looked at her and smiled. "Ready to go?" He asked.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as took a deep breath. "Uh, yeah, just one second. I want to ask you something" she said, suddenly feeling nervous.

Tom turned the engine off and gave her his full attention. "Is something wrong? Did I do something?" He asked, cornered.

Y/n shook her head. "Uh, I wanted to ask...." Now or never, Y/n. "I think you're really kind and funny and, um, I wanted to say that when I said you were on the list of guys I were number one" she said.

Tom's concern turned into surprise.
"What are...what are you trying to tell me?" He whispered, already knowing what was coming. And he couldn't be happier.

"I...I like you, Tommy. Like a lot. I may even go as far as lov-" she was cut off as Tom gently pulled her into a short kiss. Her eyes went wide in surprise before she relaxed into the kiss.

The two slowly pulled away, resting their foreheads against eachother. "I really like you too" Tom smiled.

Y/n smiled even more before she rested a hand on his cheek, travelling up to his hair as he rested a hand on her waist, the two sharing a much longer and more passionate kiss.

As they pulled away, Y/n whispered jokingly. "Harry is a close two, though"

This made Tom chuckle before the two went back to Tom's apartment, enjoying each other's company infront of a tv and surrounded by treats and crisps (CHIPS) crisps (CHIPS). 

Whatever, you decide.

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