Tom Holland's Sister

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Y/n got stood up

Y/n is Tom's sister

N/n is nickname if you didn't know that already!

Y/n stepped out of the house and looked up from her phone, seeing Tom and Haz in the pool.

"Oh, hey Haz. I didn't know you were here yet" She said sitting down with her legs in the water.

Haz smiled and swam over to her.
"Hey, N/n. I actually just arrived a few minutes ago" he replied.

Y/n made an 'Oh' face and looked at Tom. "Hey Tommy? Could you tell me what time it is?" She asked.

Tom looked at her then glanced at her phone, "Your phone is literally in your hands. If you look downwards, you shall find the time" he said sarcastically slow as if she was stupid.

Y/n just stared at him, causing him to roll his eyes and look at his watch.
"It's half past five. Why?" He asked curious.

Y/n smirked and stood up,
"Wouldn't you like to know" she sassed as she turned around and started to walk towards the house.

"Do you wanna go to the beach later on with us?" Tom asked her.

Y/n turned around as she got to the door to the house, "Uh, yeah sure. Just gotta make sure my date is actually cancelled" she replied.

Tom's face showed a suprized look, that turned into a smirk,
"Oohooo, N/n's got a date" he teased glancing at Haz.

Haz sighed as if in disappointment.
Y/n rolled her eyes at her brothers words, "Had. Had a date" she corrected.

"So what happened then? Where is the idiot?" He asked in confusion.

"Jesus, Tom. So nosey" she muttered before entering the house.

Tom looked at Haz, who was staring at the water infront of him,
"Hey, man. You good?" He asked, concerned.

Haz looked up at him and gave a faint smile, "Never better" he replied.

Tom knew that was a lie, but didn't push it. He hopped out of the pool and grabbed a towel from a chair. He wrapped it over his shoulders as Haz got out of the pool to grab his own towel.

Tom's curiosity got the better of him, so yeah. He's going to find out what kind of moron cancelled Y/n's date last minute. And which asshole made shit of her day. You know, cause that's the type of brother he is.

He put on his sandals and made his way into the house, looking around for Y/n. Haz followed him in, making Tom look at him.

"Uh, I'm going to go see what's up with Y/n. You can change in my room" Tom told him, making Haz nod and walk off.

Tom made his way to Y/n's room, stopping at the closed door, immediately being met with small sobs and cries.

Tom didn't like when he saw his sister sad, so he gently knocked on the door.
"Hey, N/n" he said softly. The sobs got quiet. "Can I come in?" He asked.

Y/n didn't answer. Taking the silence as a 'Yes', Tom opened the door, his gaze falling on Y/n as she sat on her bed. Her eyes red and puffy. Tears rolling down her cheeks, only for more to begin reforming in her eyes.

Tom's heart broke at the sight. He quickly made her way over to her bed and sat down beside Y/n, pulling her into a side hug. She hugged him back tightly as she sobbed a bit.

"You don't even have to say anything for me to know he's an asshole" he said.

Y/n sniffled and nodded in agreement.
"He said, he was planning the whole day out. He told me to come to that little cafe just around the corner. I went there at the time he said he would be there" she sobbed a bit before saying, "The bitch stood me up"

Tom clenched his jaw at her words. Nobody toys with his sister like that.
If he thinks he's gonna get a second chance at this, NOOO BITCH NOO.

To be honest, Tom was trying not to snap the guy's neck at the moment.

"What a dick" He whispered harshly.
Again, Y/n nodded in agreement.
Tom thought for a minute before trying to make her feel better by saying, "You know....Haz is available" he said causing Y/n to break away from the hug and look at him.

"Tom!" She scolded as Tom chuckled.

"What? Did you see how pissed he looked when you said you got a date? It was hilarious, I had to stop myself from laughing" Tom giggled.

Y/n rolled her eyes, "He doesn't like me" she told him.

"Surrreeeeee" Tom said not believing it for a second. "I've known him longer than you. I know when he has heart eyes for someone"

Y/n looked at him, "Who are you? Cupid?" She asked making him laugh.

"You could call me that. If it means I get to see my two best friends together, making me the third wheel, then so be it" he said smugly.

Y/n shook her head with an amused look on her face, "Jeez, you're way worse then any of my friends" she said.

Tom laughed, "That's cause I'm not a bunch of hormonal maniacs with too many scrunchies in their hair" he said, causing Y/n to playfully slap him.

He acted like he just got shot from the hit and fell to the ground.
"Ahh! I'm down! Man Overboard! Send in the troops! We need back up down here!" He yelled out.

Y/n poked him with her foot,
"You're not making any sense at all!" She said.

Tom swatted her foot away from his face, gagging. Y/n rolled her eyes and chuckled a bit causing Tom to point at her, "Ah Ha! I made you feel better! You laughed!" He smiled.

Y/n smiled back as Tom stood back up.
"Well, this was fun but I gotta go talk to your future husband soo-" He was cut off by Y/n throwing a pillow at him. He laughed as he cought it,
"Nothing can get past me and my spidey sense. My reflectes are too fast, I shall catch it!" He quoted.

Y/n laughed, "Aright, get out of here, Peter Parker!" She said making him chuckle as he left the room.

Y/n let out a happy sigh and looked to her left, immediately seeing her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes were still a bit red but other then that, she looked brand new.

"No more assholes" she told her reflection. "Fucking Tinder, I will never use that shit again" she grumbled as she looked up at the ceiling.

But, hey. Maybe Haz is available?

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