Captian America-The Winter Soldier - Bloopers

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Question: Who's your favourite Marvel character and why?


"I understood that reference" Y/n and Chris said at the same time. They looked at eachother.

"I thought that was my line" they both said at the same time again.

Everyone then laughed at them.


"Who the hell is Bucky?" Seb said his line.

A thud was heard and Chris looked to his left.

Y/n had fainted.

Seb put his hand over his mouth,
"Oh my god. Was that supposed to happen?" He asked Chris as Chris laughed and bent to Y/n level to asked her if she was alright.


Daniel finished saying the Russian words as Seb was inside the glass cage, punching it.

He punched too much and the whole glass door fell forward. He quickly reached out to catch it but it had already hit the floor, smashing the glass.

"Sorry" he apologised.


"I'm not going to kill you. You're my friend" Chris said his line.

"AND IIIIIIIIIIII,EH, II. WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOUUU,UUU,UUU,UUUUUU" They heard Y/n sing in the background, causing everyone to laugh.


"If I had to choose between these two beautiful men" Y/n gestured to Chris and Seb who stood off in the distance, chatting.

"Uh, the final answer to that is...i couldn't" She smiled while shrugging at the camera.


"Thank you" Y/n said her line.

"Your welcome" Seb replied, going off script, causing Y/n to chuckle.

She shook her head, "No, you're not supposed to say anything" she giggled.

Bucky smiled, showing his pearly white teeth. "That's just rude though. Can I at least say it in Russian? Your Velcome" he joked, causing the two to laugh.


Seb fake-shot Y/n, causing her to act as if she'd been shot and fell to the ground, holding where the shot would be.

"Ahh, CALL AN AMBULANCE, CALL AN AMBULANCE!" She yelled out in fake agony.

"We're on a flying boat...unless in this world they have flying cars?" Seb joked, causing Y/n fall out of character and laugh.


Seb walked up to Y/n, who was finished having her makeup done. He held out his hands and gave her a chocolate chip muffin.

Y/n smiled and thanked him as Chris stood at a camera, that had just recorded that whole interaction.

"Love on and off screen" He said to the camera while winking.


"Oh my god. It's starting!" Y/n said her line, then grabbed Seb's hand, pulling him along off screen until he accidentally tripped over.

"Shit, you ok?" They hear Y/n asked him off screen.

Seb just laughed in response.


"What is....Y/n L/n?" Y/n asked as she pulled the piece of paper revealing the sentence.

"I would say, it's either a piece of wood or colour" She answered sarcastically, causing the people behind the camera to laugh.


"How does Y/n L/ the dishes?"
Y/n read out, as she pulled another slip away.

Y/n put the questions down and spent about 5 sarcastic minutes, explaining the method of doing the dishes.

"And the result you get, is amazing. You get clean dishes!" She finished, smiling.


"Do you put milk or sugar first?" Seb asked Y/n.

"Uh, well. I put the teabag first-" she replied causing Seb to laugh.


"I only act like I know everything, Rogers" Scarlett said her line.

Y/n nodded from beside Chris, " very true" she mumbled, causing Chris and Scarlett to chuckle.


Y/n was speaking to the camera, not noticing Seb creeping up behind her.

"Seb is doing very well, Chris is doing very well-" she was cut off by Seb grabbing her shoulders and yelling out, to scare her.

"AH" She yelled back and slapped his face on instinct.

Seb fell to the floor in shock, as Y/n slapped a hand over her mouth, hiding her shock and laughter.

"I am so sorry!" She apologised as she lent down to make sure he was alright.

"It was meant to be me scaring you, not the other way round!" Seb laughed.


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