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Mokotos pov


I woke up to screaming coming from shuichis room. I immediately sprang to action and ran to his room.

Shuichi was twisting back and forth in his bed screaming. Holy crap he's having one hell of a nightmare...

"shuichi buddy its ok" I picked him up and rocked him in my arms "I'm here I'm here"

"mmm no daddy don't go" he whimpered in his sleep.

This was enough to bring me to tears. Dear God this is too much for any small boy to deal with.

"it's ok shuichi. I'm right here" I whispered gently to the boy "I'm never going to leave your side. I promise" I know kyoko said we weren't keeping him but goddammit I love that boy. I want to look after him through thick and thin.

Soon he settled down in my arms. I lay down with him and gently kissed his forehead.

"goodnight son"

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