Hopes Peak

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Shuichis pov

I stared up at the huge building that would starting from today be my learning environment. This is the start of everything. Once I step into this building everything will change. I took a deep breath and stepped in.

I walked to the entrance hall so Mr kirigiri could show us our class. I immediately ran up to my friends keade, kokichi and kaito. I chatted with them until I saw a fermillier face. One I haven't saw since preschool.

"gonta! Oh my gosh gonta it's really you!" I yelled.

"gonta I missed you so much!" keade said tearfully.

"welcome back gonta" kaito said slapping him on the back.

"it's been so long big guy!" kokichi grinned.

We all started talking excitedly to our giant friend. How could we not? We haven't seen him since we were toddlers.

"gonta where did you disappear to?" kokichi asked

"gonta got lost for ten years"  he got lost for that long!? "gonta only return now and given title bug expert!"

"wow gonta that's impressive" keade giggled.

Before we could talk any further headmaster kirigiri came on and gave us our classroom. We were also given maps so we didn't get lost.

We took our seats in the classroom. Kaito sat next to kokichi, keade sitting next to gonta and I sat next to some avacado looking guy.

"hey there" he grinned at me "I'm rantaro amomi. What's your name?"

"shuichi saihara" I held out my hand. He shook it with a grin. I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. What is this feeling-

"guys I think I'm in love!" my thoughts were cut off by kaitos announcement.

"wow I didn't think dumbasses could fall in love" kokichi teased.

"hey!" he yelled making kokichi laugh

"so who are you in love with kaito?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"maki" he replied. Maki?

"isn't she the assassin?" keade asked.

"everyone has their flaws" kaito argued.

"kaito I don't think this is going to work out and I'm saying this as your friend" I said.

"what about you kokichi? Do you think I could pull this off?" he looked at the small boy desperately.

He sighed "Well it's unlikely but if anyone could pull it off it would be you"

"yes! Thanks neighbour!" kaito ruffled his hair and ran over to makis desk.

"kokichi why did you say that? He's going to get hurt!" keade whisper-yelled.

"he would have done it anyway you know how headstrong he is!" kokichi argued.

"that's true" keade muttered.

Maki rejected him of course and he came back looking a little hurt but also determined.

"I just gotta try harder that's all" kaito said confidently.

"kaito you are going to get hurt if you keep doing this!" keade warned him but kaito payed her no mind.

"don't worry about me keade! I'll win maki-rolls heart just you watch!"

"there's just no talking to you!"

And that is how my new school life began.

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