Motherly Advice

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Shuichis pov

"oh sherlock" I hugged my cat close as I lay in bed "I really messed up and I don't know how I can fix it"

I felt so embarrassed about my actions in class. I wish I could just go back and redo it all. I don't know how I'm going to face everyone after this.

"shuichi" my mother stepped in "your father informed me that your feeling a little miserable today. Would you like to talk about it"

I sat up with tears in my eyes "mom I really messed up"

She sat down next to me with a gentle smile "tell me everything"

So I did...

She stayed silent for a moment "so you ran out of the classroom"

"yes!" I yelled I don't know why I ran away I-I just panicked. It's so stupid! He was probably just kidding and I ran away like an idiot! "

"that doesn't matter right now" mom leaned in with a serious expression "tell me shuichi. Do you like this boy?"

I thought for a moment. Its true that he makes me feel differently then my other friends do but dose that mean I love him?

"I think so"

"then be honest with your feelings my love and tell that boy how you feel" with that she left, leaving me with these confusing feelings.

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