Can I Help?

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Kyokos pov

I was looking through the Saihara Massacre once last time. I haven't been this stuck on a case in a long time. There's just not enough proof to link anyone to this.

I groaned in frustration. Why can't I figure this case out!

"miss kyoko can I help?" I turned around to see shuichi standing there with those big adorable eyes. Nevertheless I must stay strong.

"that's very kind of you shuichi but this is grown-up work" I told him gently.

"can't I at least try?" he said, flashing me with those big puppy dog eyes. Oh I can't say no to him.

"ok come here" I picked him up and placed him on my lap "now what clues here do you think could lead to your parents killer?"

He thought for a moment "that's not my mommys hair clip" he pointed to the butterfly hair clip.

I was shocked by this "are you sure?"

He nodded "my mommy never liked hair clips. She always says they look dumb"

That hair clip was found at the sence of the crime so naturally I thought it was shuichis mothers but if it's not... This is huge!

"shuichi thank you very much. You helped me with alot today" I said gratefully.

"your welcome" shuichi giggled.

I smiled as I placed him down "now just wait here for mokoto to return home. I have a bad guy to catch"

"ok good luck" he waved to me as I walked out the door.

That was nothing short of incredible. For shuichi to point out such a vital clue at such a young age. Well let's just say I'm impressed. He'll make a fine detective one day.

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