A Neagi Family Dinner

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Kyokos pov

Ten years later

"mokoto come on! Help me get ready!"

"coming honey!"

Today I was having my whole family over for dinner. I was having over my sons, my daughter, my sons in law, my daughter in law and my grandchildren! I haven't had everyone over since last Christmas so I was kinda excited.

Once we were halfway finish I heard a knock on the door. Cursing under my breath I opened the door.

Standing at the door was my oldest son shuichi, his husband rantaro and his children andrea and rene.

"hey mom" shuichi said giving me a hug.

"hey baby how's things been?" I asked hugging him back.

"things have been good. Kids have been kinda troublesome but that's what kids do" he chuckled.

"hey grandma" Andrea said catching my attention. "do you need some help getting things ready?" my oldest grandchild is now a twelve years old and the sweetest girl you'll ever meet!

"that would be great darling" I said smiling at her.

After a few minutes of tidying up there was another knock on the door. I opened it to see my son jim and his wife nanako along with their children nana and jin.

"hey mom" jim said with a gentle smile.

"it's so great to see you Mrs neigi!" nanako said pulling me into a unexpected hug.

"it's good to see you too nanako" I said tensing up at the contact. I love my daughter-in-law but she's a bit too touchy at times.

"grandma! Grandma!" the kids said jumping around me. For four and five year olds  they sure have a lot of energy!

"hey how's my little darlings " I said hugging them. I turned to jim and nanako "Well come on in guys" I said letting them in.

Finally nikita and her husband haku arrived with their newborn son Lucky.

"oh  darling he's beautiful." I said gently patting his fluffy brown hair.

"I know" nikita said looking at her son with pure love.

"Well come on in you two"

"thanks mom" haku said grinning. Haku sure has gotten confertable in this family which is a good thing. I'd like to be as close to my new family as possible.

We all sat at two separate tables. One for the adults and one for the kids. We all ate and talked about various topics and laughed at silly things. It felt just like old times.

We took a picture to commemorate the moment. We even managed to get komaru, toko, token, his husband ikaki and his children in the photo. It was a wonderful picture that we'll will cherish forever.

Eventually everyone had to leave and it was just me and mokoto . I hugged him from behind. Something I rarely do

"you know mokoto before I met you I felt an unbelievable loneliness that would never go away no matter how hard I tried. I thought I'd be alone forever but look at me now! I was able to fall in love, have children, watch them grow up, fall in love and have children of their own and its all thanks to you mokoto. I love you so much"

"I love you too honey" he smiled with tears in his eyes "Thank you for giving an average guy like me the chance to be happy with you"

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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