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Makotos pov

I walked home from work to find kyoko on her knees whimpering in pain. She must be in labour!

"easy honey I'll get you to the hospital." I said picking her up and carrying her to the car. I got in the front seat and kyoko placed a hand on my shoulder.

"mokoto I'm glad your here" she said with a slight blush.

I smiled at her "no problem we're both in this together!"

I got the car started and drove to the hospital. Once kyoko was being cared for by the doctors I called komaru who was babysitting shuichi.

"hey bro this better be a good reason to call me while I'm busy with your son"

"oh I don't know maybe I'm calling cause my wife's in labour and your about to be a auntie!"

"oh crap! I be over right now bro!" with that she hung up.

Suddenly a nurse came through the door.

"hey is she doing ok?" I asked nervously

"yeah your wife's just fine and the baby's been delivered if you'd like to meet him" him. I have a son. I nodded and rushed in.

Kyoko was lying in bed with a violet haired baby.

I knelt down to get a closer look at him "I'm really a dad" I whispered.

Kyoko smiled at me "yes you are. We've both parents now" she smiled happily.

"do you want to name him" I asked kissing her head. It felt only right after she went through so much to bring us our baby.

"ok I think I got a good idea for a baby name" she grinned "I was thinking we could name him Jim after my father"

"that's a perfect darling " I kissed her head.

Everything was quiet for a while until komaru kicked down the door with shuichi in her arms.

"alright where's my little neice or nephew at?" he yelled.

"komaru stop yelling in front of my son!" I yelled.

Kyokos pov

The two of them argued while I laughed at them and Jim somehow slept through all the noise. Yep this is my family. There completely insane but I wouldn't have it any other way.

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