Lucky Student

201 10 9

Jins pov

I walked out to the school garden, hoping to get some pravicy to finish my book. I sat down under the cherry blossom tree and opened my schoolbag only to realise that it wasn't there! Did I drop it somewhere? Oh great now I have to go inside and look for-

"Umm I think you dropped this" I looked up to see that white haired girl from before holding my book.

"thank you" I muttered as I took it out of her hands. I expected her to leave but instead she took a seat next to me.

"your Jim right?"

"yes" I nodded.

"cool! My names nanako I'm the ultimate lucky student though my ultimate isn't nearly as impressive as your. I mean wow a real detective! It must be so cool!"

"it is but it's also hard work" I muttered.

"oh I bet" she giggled "I've always admired detectives and policemen. The way you hunt down bad guys and get justice for those who were hurt. Your a real hero in my eyes"

I blushed at her statement. I quickly tried to hide my face in my book.

She seemed to take this the wrong way "oh I'm sorry am I bothering you? I can leave if you want-"

"no its fine" I smiled gently at her "for some reason I... actually like having you around"

"ah that's a relief" she smiled sweetly.

I didn't get reading my book that day. It wasn't all lost though. I learned plenty about that nanako girl.

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