Shuichis Riddle

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Kyokos pov

I was sitting in the living room reading a newspaper when shuichi came up to me.

"mommy I made a riddle for you" he said proudly

"oh riddle" I picked up the piece of paper with a smile. I read through it.

What has to be broken before you can use it?

I smiled and wrote down my answer


"huh your done already?" shuichi looked up in surprise.

"yes it's an egg" I nodded.

To my surprise shuichi burst into tears "I really *hic* wanted to *hic* make you proud but I *hic* couldn't even *hic* think of a good *hic* riddle!"

"oh baby that was a good riddle" I pulled him into a hug "your a very intelligent boy and I'm very proud of you"

He nodded and nuzzled into my chest. I smiled and kissed the top of his head. I love this boy.

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