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Shuichis pov

Rantaro invited me out to the cherry blossom tree to talk. I was feeling incredibly nervous as I walked up to the tree. I hope he not angry about me avoiding him.

I arrived at the cherry blossom tree where rantaro was waiting.

"Umm hey ran is there something you want to tell me?" I asked nervously. I still haven't got around to telling him how I feel like mom told me to. It's just hard you know. I don't want to potentially ruin any relationship we built up.

He took a deep breath "Well I have alot I want to tell you but I think it would be easier if I just showed you" he walked up to me and kissed me.

I backed up in shock "I don't understand"

"I have feelings for you shuichi. I'd be very happy if you and me could become a thing" he said bashfully.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He has feelings for me!?

"that makes me happy" I said wiping away tears. Happy tears of course!

He pulled me closer and kissed me again. Cherry blossoms flouted around us like magic. I truly felt like something out of a fairytale.

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