Meeting Sayaka Again

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Mokotos pov

"ok loves I'm on my way" I said giving kyoko and shuichi a kiss on the cheeks as I headed out the door.

I was in a cheery mood since I was going to see my childhood friend sayaka for the first time in years. I can't wait to catch up on old times.

"so your really going out to see sayaka" kyoko folded her arms.

"yes is that a problem" I raised an eyebrow. Well this is new. Kyoko usually doesn't have a problem with me hanging out with other people.

"no its not. Just remember who you're wife while you out there having fun" she said as serious as ever.

"I will" I chuckled "goodbye"


*time skip*

I sat at the restaurant we agreed to meet at and waited. I let out a sigh. She was taking quite a while. Is she not coming-

"I'm here" sayaka announced as she took a seat opposite me "sorry I'm late mokoto. Keade was just so clingy this morning"

"it's fine" I smiled at her "it's crazy to think we have kids huh?"

"yeah" she giggled "it's even crazier to think that our kids are friends!"

"and their so good for each other too"

"keade gives him confidence while shuichi keeps her grounded"

"their just like us huh?"


We chatted up a storm. It really felt like we were teenagers again. Even though we're married and have beautiful children we can still chat and have a good time.

Some things just never change

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