A Kiss Under The Cherry Blossom Tree

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Nikkis pov

I paced back and forth nervously. My secret admirer sent me a note asking me to meet them at the cherry blossom tree and I was super nervous. Who is this person? What happens if I don't like them back? Oh god I can't take the tensio-

"hey nikki!"

"eep!" I yelped at the sudden sound. I turned around to see haku?

"uhh haku? You're my secret admirer?" I asked.

"Umm yes" he muttered "there's something I need to tell you"

"Well I'm all ears" I smiled nervously at him.

"Well you see" he blushed slightly. Is he getting a cold? "I like you kiibo"

"I like you too shuichi" I said happily "in fact I'd say your my best friend"

"your so innocent" shuichi muttered "well you see the truth is- Umm- well" he was stumbling over his words.

Before shuichi could answer natsu popped up and yelled "oh my god just kiss him already!" his boyfriend mako stood behind him nodding.

"guys I told you to stay hidden" haku  yelled "but you know the gremlin has a point" he pulled me towards him and put his lips on mine. I had no idea what we were doing but I liked it.

Once he pulled away I smiled "haku I think I like these feelings"

"you do?" haku said tearfully.

"he said yes!" natsu and mako danced around in circles cheering. We weren't paying attention to them. All we cared about at that moment were each other.

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