Junior Detectives

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Kyokos pov

Two years later

"alright young detectives" I turned to my two son "what have you taken away from this case?"

Today I'm taking my sons to work. I plan to train them up to be detectives since that is the kirigiri way. I know shuichi has promise as a detective but what about Jim?

"hmm" shuichi walked over to the broken window "it looks like the robber broke in through the window"

"but this brick I found outside the window suggests that the whole thing was faked!" Jim said holding a brick up in his tiny hands.

"wow good find Jim" shuichi said praising his little brother.

"excellent find boys" I smiled at them "the evidence you found proves that the store owner faked the break in to get the insurance money for himself!" I pointed at the shocked looking store owner.

"damnit!" he yelled "how did I get found out by a couple of kids!"

"simple" I grinned "cause their my sons. Now take him away!"


I turned to my boys with a smile "good job you two. We'll make fine detectives out of you yet. Now how about we get some ice-cream to celebrate!"

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