Ultimate Lucky Student

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Nikkis pov

Congratulations nikita neagi!
You have been selected by our scouts too attend hopes peak academy! You will be attending under the title of ultimate Lucky Student! The starting date is September 16th. We hope to see you there!

I read over the letter with a smile on my face. I'm an ultimate just like the rest of my family. How exciting!

"wow kid your pretty happy to be picked as a lucky student" my dad peaked over my shoulder.

"oh course papa" I smiled at him "cause I have a talent too. Even if its just luck"

"heh I wish I had that kind of positive attitude when I started hopes peak" he ruffled my hair "knock them dead kid"

"will do!" I gave him a thumbs up. Time to start my new life.

*time skip*

I walked into hopes peak with a happy smile. This is it. This is my first day at hopes peak. I'm going to make lots of friends, do my homework and have a good high school lif-


My thoughts were cut off when a yellow blur banged straight into me.

"I'm so sorry. I was in a rush to get to my friend natsu he gets into trouble on his own and I didn't want to him to be late on his first day-" the boy rambled on.

"it's fine" I smiled at him "my names nakita by the way but my friends just call me nikki. What's your name?"

"oh I'm haku. Haku sionji" he mumbled.

"nice to meet you haku I hope we can be friends" our conversation was cut short by the bell "oh crap I'm going to be late! Uhh I'll see you in class haku" I wave to him as I ran off.

Little did I know what that encounter would spark.

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