The Saihara Survivor

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Kiyokos pov

"it can't be!" 

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Curled up in the corner of the room was a small black haired child crying.

I slowly made my way towards him. He heard me and backed away nervously.

"easy little one I'm not going to hurt you" I bent down to his level and gave him a gentle smile.

He looked at me nervously. His eyes were bloodshot and he's small body was trembling. Poor kid looks terrified.

"my name is kyoko. What's your name little one?"

"s-shuichi" he mumbled.

"it's nice to meet you shuichi. Were you hiding in here?"

He nodded "a bad man came in and hurt my daddy. Mommy told me to hide in here. Are they ok?" he looked at me hopefully.

I sighed "I'm sorry shuichi but your family is... no longer"

He burst into tears. I pulled the small boy into a hug and rocked him in my arms.

"I know things are difficult right now but you'll get past things. I promise"

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