Big Brother Shuichi

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Kyokos pov

I was sitting in the kitchen drinking some tea. I had recently given birth to my baby boy Jim and was now on miternaty leave. I'm both upset that I have to stay off work and glad cause I'm absolutely exhausted! At least now I get some much needed rest-


I jumped at the sound of my son crying. I sighed to myself. I wish I knew how difficult it was to look after a baby!

I ran into the living room to see something very surprising.

"there there baby it's ok" shuichi hushed him as he gently rocked the cot back and forth "your big brothers here to look after you"

Slowly his crys grew softer until he fell fast asleep. Shuichi smiled, kissed his forehead and returned back to his storybook.

I smiled at them. Having a baby around might be exhausting but at least I have a little helper around to help me out.

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