Day Care

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Kyokos pov

Two years later

Today we were taken shuichi in for his first day at day care. We're a little worried about him making friends since shuichi was painfully shy but hopefully things will go well.

"now honey if you're feeling homesick you just tell the teacher and we'll come and pick you up ok?" I said trying to reassure him.

"okay mommy" shuichi mumbled, holding his teddy bear close to his chest.

"ok have a good day sweetie" I kissed his forehead as he jumped out of the car and ran off to school.

Shuichis pov

I nervously stepped into the building without mommy by my side. I feel nervous. I can't remember the last time I was left alone. All I know is that bad things happen when I'm alone.

I felt tears run down my cheeks. I don't like it here. It's loud and scary. I want mommy! I want daddy! Please I want to go ho-

"hey are you ok?" I turned around to see a girl with blonde hair smiling at me "hi my names keade"

"I'm shuichi" I mumbled, wiping away my tears.

"is it your first day too?" she asked.

I nodded timidity.

"I see" she took my hand "I know it's pretty scary on your first day but I promise it's really fun here. Come on let me show you my favourite toy"

She took me to a toy piano where she played a song for me. I sat down and listened to her with a slight smile on my face. I was starting to feel better when-

"keade!" a small purple haired boy yelled running up to keade.

"hi kokichi" keade said smiling.

"this is my neighbour kaito" he said pointing to kaito.

"hey" kaito said

"want to meet my new friend" she pulled me out in front of them "this is shuichi. Say hi shuichi!"

"hi" I said shyly.

"hey dude it's nice to meet you" kaito said slapping me on the back.

"cool teddy shuma" kokichi giggled. I smiled slightly. I have friends!

We then spent the first half of playtime playing together. Then the teacher took us outside to play.

After a while a kid came running up to us.

"hey I bet your not brave enough to go up to the giant!"

"a giant" kaito, keade and shuichi yelled in fright. But kokichi wasn't afraid!

"I'm not afraid! Show me where the giant is!"

"over there half-pint! I bet you get scared half way there!"

"I will not!" kokichi yelled running up to the giant.

We watched him nervously. I just got these friends. I don't want them to get hurt.

We watched them talk for a while before suddenly the giant started chasing kokichi!

kaito stepped in front of them glaring at the giant.

"stop chasing my friend you mean giant!" he yelled.

"kaito he wasn't chasing me" kokichi yelled "we were playing tag and anyway he's a nice giant"

We looked over at him "hello my name is gonta gokuhara" he walked over and poked kaito in the chest "tag your it!" he ran off.

"hey no fair! I won't let you get away with that!" kaito yelled chasing after gonta.

We spent the rest of the day playing tag. Then the teacher came out telling us that our parents are here to pick us up.

"hello baby" mommy picked me up and hugged me "did you have fun?"

"yeah I made friends" I said excitedly.

"you did?" daddy gasped.

"yeah. Kokichi kaito and keade. They were really cool" I giggled.

"aww we're real happy for you buddy" daddy ruffled my hair "tell you what kid. We'll invite them over for a play date sometime"

"really" my eyes lit up in excitement.

"definitely" mommy nodded.

"yayyyy" I cheered. I can't wait to have my friends over.

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