Deep Scaring

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Makotos pov

I hummed to myself happily as I cooked some lunch. Kyoko was out at work so it was just me and shuichi.

I peaked into the living room to check on him. He wasn't playing with his toys. He was staring just at a brick wall. I worry about that boy.

I grabbed a plate and was about to put shuichis food on the plate when I accidentally dropped the plate.

"Mr mokoto" shuichi ran into the room with tears in his eyes. He took one look at me and ran into my arms crying.

"hey buddy what's wrong?" I asked gently.

"I h-heard a bang. I t-thought the bad man came back" he sobbed into my chest. I looked down at him sadly. Poor kids been traumatised.

"hey look at me" I spoke gently as to not frighten him "your going to be ok shuichi. No one is going to get hurt. Not me or you or anyone. We're safe. I promise nothing bads going to this family so you don't have to be afraid. Do you understand?"

"yeah I understand Mr mokoto" he wiped his tears away.

"good boy" I petted his head with a proud smile "now let's get you some lunch"

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