Komaru The Babysitter

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Komarus pov

I looked over at shuichi. He was looking at the ground sadly. Poor kid. I feel really bad for him. Now how can I cheer him up?

"come on shuichi let's read a nice manga together" I suggested. He nodded and picked out naruto. Not what I would have picked but this is about shuichi not me!

We sat down and read through the first volume. Shuichi still had that sad look on his face.

I put the book down "sweetie do you want to talk about what's making you sad?" I asked.

He sighed "Mrs kyoko doesn't like me dose she?" he mumbled.

"of course she likes you hun. Kyokos just the type to think of things logically and not emotionally" I explained gently "you just need to put in some extra effort for her. Can you do that sweetheart?"

"yes" he nodded with a small smile.

"good boy" I held him close and kissed his forehead. He's such a good kid-

"hey we're back" mokoto walked through the door with kyoko "shuichi kyoko has something she wants to tell you. Is that ok?"

He nodded and nervously walked up to her.

"shuichi" she bent down to his level "I'm sorry for the way I talked to you. It's just that my father left me when I was little so I don't think I'd be a very good mother. I want better for you but I was going about it the wrong way. Can you forgive me?"

He nodded and gave her a hug. She was shocked but quickly hugged him back with tears in his eyes.

I smiled to myself. Their going to make a wonderful family!

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