The Ultimate Detective

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Jim's pov

I was sitting in my room reading some detective novels when my dad burst in with a letter in his hand

"Jim you need to read this right now" he said looking like he was going to burst with excitement.

"ok?" I raised an eyebrow as I took the letter out of his hand.

You Jim neagi will be attending hopes peak under the title of ultimate bike racer. Your first day starts at September 16. We hope to see you there!

"so I'm going to hopes peak?" I said feeling overwhelmed.

"yes you are! Aw kid I'm so proud of you!" dad said giving me a big hug.

I'll be attending hopes peak. I felt overwhelmed but happy at the same time. I guess this is the start of my new school life.

A few months later

I sat in the back seat reading . Today I would be starting my life at hopes peak the biggest school in Japan.

"you nervous honey?" mom asked.

"a little bit" I chuckled nervously.

"Well don't worry baby. You are a brilliant young individual and you are going to kill it!" mom said encouragingly.

I smiled to myself. Trust mom to get me pumped up for today!

We finally arrived at hopes peak. Mom waved goodbye as I jumped out of the car.

"good luck sweetie" mom yelled.

"thanks mom" I waved back before heading into hopes peak.

I managed to get to class in time and took a seat next to my cousin token.

"ah Jim I see that you're starting this class too" he said pushing up his large glasses.

"yep I'm the new ultimate detective" I explained.

"Well I'm glad you're here anyway. I didn't want to deal with these animals on my own" he sighed.

I rolled my eyes fondly. Token always has been a funny boy.

"Alright class we're now going to introduce ourselves" our teacher spoke up "Let's start with you!" she pointed at a boy with fluffy red hair.

He stood up nervously "my name is lerorio hakukura. I'm the ultimate baseball star"

A girl with white hair in pigtails stood up" my names nanako hinata I'm the ultimate lucky student."

A boy and a girl stood up." I'm sora nevermind" the boy said

"and I'm carly nevermind" the girl said

"and where the ultimate Prince and Princess" they said at the same time.

A boy with white hair stood up "my name is sasuke ogami I'm the ultimate kun fu fighter"

A girl dressed in lolly clothing " my name is Victoria yamada I'm the ultimate dress maker please to meet you all."

I stood up next "my name is Jim neagi I'm the ultimate detective"

A girl with glasses stood up "hi I'm Lee fugisaki I'm the ultimate hacker I hope we can all get along!"

A boy stood up with a glare "my names itaki ikusaba I'm the ultimate navy soldier"

A girl stood up with a smile "hi there my name is miku mioda I'm the ultimate assistant! Hey bro introduce yourself!" she yelled at a timid boy.

He stood up shaking a little "Umm my name is moko and I'm the ultimate doctor." he bowed politely and sat down.

A girl with blonde hair stood up "my name is rika togami and I am the ultimate afuint progity"

Token stood up next "my name is token fukawa and I am the ultimate manga writer"

A guy with black hair in a pampadour stood up with a friendly smile "my name is Daiya owada and I am the ultimate bike racer"

A girl with red hair stood up "my name is Himari saionji I'm the ultimate artist and jojos future wife!"she said hugging who I assume is jojos arm.

"I'm guessing you're jojo" the teacher said trying to surpress a laugh.

"yeah I'm jojo tanaka ultimate Animal tamer" he muttered turning red. Everyone burst out laughing. Jojo buried his head in the desk.

I simply stared. My classmates are interesting to say the least!

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