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Kyokos pov

I drove in my car as fast as the speed limit would allow me. She took him. That bitch took my kid and I won't let her get away with it!

I reached the house of yumi harutoshi. There was already police posted outside but I didn't wait. I kicked down the door, revealing a middle aged woman holding a gun to shuichis head.

"yumi let him go" I pulled out a gun of my own.

"oh what are you going to do shoot me?" she taunted "no. Your not going to risk shuichis life"

"Mrs kyoko please help!" shuichi sobbed.

"don't worry shuichi your going to be just fine" I said reassuringly. I turned to her "listen there's police parked outside, you have no way out. Don't put yourself in deeper shit!"

"oh to hell with that!" she screamed "he should have been my kid but no he had to marry that stupid whore"

Suddenly she threw shuichi down and put the gun to her head "I won't let those pigs touch me" she pulled the trigger. I pulled shuichi into my chest so he wouldn't have to see it.

It's over.

I walked out with shuichi in my arms. Mokoto was standing in the crowd. He ran up and pulled us both into a hug. I smiled and kissed the top of shuichis head.

"your safe now my son"

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