Vomiting Bug

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Makotos pov


I woke up to the sound of throwing up. I ran into the bathroom to see my wife kyoko clinging to the toilet bowl with a sickly look on her face.

I bent down and gently rubbed her shoulders "honey this has been going on for weeks now. This can't be just a normal stomach bug"

"I agree" she stood up and rubbed some sick away from her mouth "I actually have an idea what it could be"

"really?" I gasped "what?"

"Umm could you... leave for a moment" her cheeks turned pink.

"oh sure" I nodded as I left the bathroom.

I stood outside the bathroom nervously. What on earth is she doing in there? There isn't anything wrong with her is there?

"daddy is everything alright?" I looked up to see shuichi staring at me nervously.

"yeah everything's fine buddy" I pulled him into a hug "I'm just waiting for mommy to come out-


Kyoko stepped out of the bathroom "it's just as I thought" she held up a pregnancy test! "I'm pregnant mokoto. I hope you're ok with that"

Slowly a smile spread across my face and I rushed up and pulled her into a hug.

"kyoko of course I'm happy" I said with tears pricking my eyes "we're going to have a new family member!"

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