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Jins pov

I looked at myself in the mirror. I had my hair back in my usual ponytail but I was wearing a black suit with a bowtie. Today's the day of the formal and I invited nanako out as my date. I hope everything goes well.

"looking good kid" dad grinned "bet your excited for this formal. I still remember the day I asked your mother out for a dance"

"yeah yeah I remember" I chuckled "oh the day of your formal you finally gathered the courage to ask mom out for a dance and that's how you both fell in love"

"that's right" dad pulled me into a hug "now go get her tiger!"

I walked downstairs to see nanako standing at the doorstep. She was wearing a red dress with her hair tied up in a high up ponytail. She was nothing short of breathtaking.

Nakita wolf whistled at me teasingly. I glared at her before approaching nanako.

"you look beautiful" I muttered.

"thanks Jim. You look really handsome yourself" she said with a slight blush which was pretty noticeable thanks to her pale skin.

It was as this point that our limousine arrived. I turned to nanako with a smile "shall we?"

"yes we shall!" she held my arm as we walked out to the limo.

*time skip*

We arrived at the school to find it decorated. We met up with our friends, drank some punch and even danced together.

Having a slow dance with nanako felt like something out of a fairytale. All that's missing is a...

My thoughts were cut off by nanako kissing me! I nearly fell over in shock but I managed to keep my composer.

I looked at her in disbelief. She was smiling her usual bright smile. I smiled back. This feels like the start of something wonderful!

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