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Kyokos pov

Five years later

"let's raise a toast to my son shuichi who just got engaged" mokoto yelled. We all raised our glass and cheered.

Yesterday shuichi boyfriend rantaro perposed to him. It's kinda scary to think our little boy that we've been through hell with is soon going to be leaving us. It's only right that we let him grow up though and we're so proud with how far he's come.

All of our friends and family have come to wish him off though. We even let Jim and nikita stay up past their bedtime since it was such a special occasion.

"thank you everyone" shuichi said hugging his soon to be husbands arm "I'm so unbelievable happy right now. Its hard to put into words"

I nodded and raised my glass "to shuichi"

"to shuichi!"

And so we drank to our now all grown up son and his fiancé.

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