ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟛

132 7 2

Third Person

Captain America

『• • • ✎ • • •』

"Luke, do you have any idea what any of that meant?" Astred asked him as they walked off of the jet and onto a big boat. "Yes, they think the Tesseract is an energy source, it draws cosmic energy from space and this means that even if the power is switched off, the Tesseract turns itself back on. It also emits low levels of gamma radiation. By what I've been told, it seems as though to break through its Coulomb barrier it needs at least a heat around 100 million Kelvin." Luke answered, Astred stared blankly at him and said, "That doesn't help."

"It's a powerful energy source." Luke said, "See now that's helpful." Astred said as she followed Coulson, to wherever he was taking them.

"It's Captain America! And the angry green guy! Mr Smith hates you guys, he says you're boring." Astred exclaimed once she saw the famous hero and scientist. "Steve Rodgers, ma'am, and you are?" Steve asked Astred.

"I'm Astred. My brother's been compromised and for some reason, I was taken away from my homework to come all the way to America, to find Loki, because I was 'friends' with him. All I did was ask him to help me prank Odin, that doesn't equal friendship." Astred answered, mainly aiming everything after her introduction at Coulson, who only smiled at the girl.

"Why have you brought kids here?" Bruce Banner asked Natasha, "I'm older than him!" Astred yelled as she pointed at Steve. "He's a genius and well, she's an agents sister and she can be clever when she wants to be." Natasha answered.

"Rude. I'm always clever." Astred whispered.

"Wait, you're older than me?" Steve asked, Astred nodded her head and answered with, "Well, I'm 206, so unless you were under the transported back in time, frozen and then found, then yes I'm older than you."

"And he's a genius, I thought that was why I was here." Dr Banner stated. "He's a genius when it comes to aliens, which Loki is." Natasha answered.

"Lady and Gentlemen, you might want to step inside a minute. It's going to get a little hard to breathe." Natasha said.

"Are we gonna go underwater? I like the Little Mermaid, but submarines make me feel really sick." Astred asked.

"Really, they want me in a submerged, pressurised, metal container?" Bruce added.

"Well considering there are still jets on the deck, I'd say it's more of an airship than a submarine." Luke answered.

"Well, that's much worse." Banner said as turbines lifted up and set the vehicle into flight.

『• • • ✎ • • •』

Natasha led the guests into the main part of the helicarrier, Astred stood raised an eyebrow and whistled, she then said, "Eric did not tell me about this. Have you ever thought about putting a plant in here? Just for some life." 

"No." An agent answered, Astred sat down at the main table and whispered, "How boring."

"Stop antagonising people with guns." Luke told his friend as he sat down next to her.

"Gentlemen and Lady." Nick Fury said as he turned around, Steve then handed him what appeared to be a $10 bill.

Luke then stood up and said, "We could also look for areas with disrupted energy patterns, from what I've heard Loki enjoys projecting himself so there's multiple of him, that could show. If you know how to do it, which I do."

"We could narrow that field even further. How many spectrometers do you have access to?" Banner asked Fury.

"How many are there?" Fury answered.

"Call every lab you know. Tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays. I'll rough out a tracking algorithm, basic cluster recognition. At least we could rule out a few places. Do you have somewhere for me to work?" Banner said.

"Luke, are you calling Mr Smith?" Astred asked her friend, who nodded his head.

Natasha then escorted Dr Banner and Luke to a laboratory.

"Astred, why would Loki take Eric?" Fury asked her.

"Well, he works for you, I'm sure you already know." Astred answered.

"Come on, tell me what you think." Fury said.

"Truthfully, to worry you. If Loki can do whatever he did to an Asgardian, what will he do to humans, to Earth? Loki's always wanted to prove himself, this was the best way to do it quickly, well to prove himself to SHIELD, anyway. He's not as strong as he thinks he is, he's only got himself and his mind-controlled slaves, but taking over someones mind isn't completely effective. Also, when Eric fins out you kidnapped me and my friend, he's gonna kick your ass." Astred told him.

"Oh, I know."

『• • • ✎ • • •』

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