ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜𝟝

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Third Person

Scott Lang?

『• • • ✎ • • •』

"Morgan!" Astred yelled as the young girl pulled at her hair, as they sat inside the tent that Morgan used to play in. "Sissy, let me braid your hair." Morgan said, giving Astred cute, wide eyes, the older girl sighed and sat still, letting Morgan pull at her hair in an attempt to braid it.

Clapping was heard and Morgan took her hands away from Astred's head and put her finger on her lips and whispered, "Shh." Astred put her finger on her lips and nodded, the two crouching down, as to make themselves less visible from Tony. "Chow time! Maguna! Treddy! Morgan H. Stark, Astred Walker, you want some lunch?" Tony asked.

Morgan put on the blue Iron Man helmet that Tony had made for Pepper and she went out of the tent saying "Define 'lunch' or be disintegrated."

Astred followed Morgan and said, "I didn't even know you had that."

"You should not be wearing that, okay? That is part of a special anniversary gift I'm making for Mom." Tony told Morgan as he took the helmet off, "What has happened to your hair?" Tony then asked Astred.

"Sissy let me braid her hair. Do you not like it?" Morgan asked, "Yes, do you not like my hair?" Astred added on.

"It's great. You did a great job. Now who should I pick up, Maguna or Treddy?" Tony asked, the two yelled out each other's nickname, which resulted in Tony putting his hand to his chin, to show that he was thinking, but Morgan gave the puppy-dog eyes at him, so Astred was then picked up and put over his shoulder. "Mor! Why have you done this to me?!" Astred yelled out dramatically.

Morgan just pointed and laughed at Astred.

"Tony, can you put me down?" Astred asked.

Tony then put Astred down, and she saw the car and Natasha, Steve, and Scott Lang were all there. Astred watched as Tony and Morgan went inside the house, and Astred gestured for them to follow her.

『• • • ✎ • • •』

"No. We know what it sounds like." Scott said after he explained the Quantum Realm and his time travel theory. "Tony, after everything you've seen, is anything really impossible?" Steve asked.

"Time travel is possible, we just can't do it the usual way, through the time vortex. Going through the Quantum Realm is just... It's more dangerous than using the time vortex, no-one has ever done this before." Astred told them.

"And Quantum fluctuation messes with the Planck scale which then triggers Deutsch Proposition. Can we agree on that?" Tony explained, "In layman's terms, it means you're not coming home." He added.

"I did." Scott said.

"No. You accidentally survived. It's a billion-to-one cosmic fluke. And now you wanna pull a ...What do you call it?" Tony asked him.

"A time heist?" Scott answered, Astred snorted at the answer and secretly high-fived Scott.

"Yeah, time heist. Why didn't we think of this before? Oh, because it's laughable. Because it's a pipe dream." Tony told him.

"The stones are in the past. We could go back, we could get them." Steve said.

"We can snap our own fingers. We can bring everybody back." Natasha added.

"Or screw it up worse than he already has, right?" Tony asked.

"I don't believe we would." Steve answered.

"Gotta say it. I sometimes miss that giddy optimism." Tony told Steve, he then added, "However, high hopes won't help if there's no logical, tangible way for me to safely execute said time heist. I believe the most likely outcome will be our collective demise."

"Not if they follow the rules of time travel. That's if they're the same going through the Quantum Realm as it is going through the time vortex. No talking to our past selves..." Astred started listing off and Scott cut her off and said, "No betting on sporting events."

"That's not what I was gonna say." Astred told Scott.

"I'm gonna interrupt you both. Are you seriously telling me that your plan to save the universe is based on Back to the Future?" Tony asked Scott.

"In his defense, it is a really good film." Astred told Tony.

"It's not based off of Back to the Future." Scott answered.

"Good. You had me worried there. 'Cause that would be horseshit. That's not how quantum physics works." Tony told him.

"Tony. We need to take a stand." Natasha told him.

"We did stand. And yet, here we are."

Astred's phone started ringing and she stood up and said, "Sorry, gotta take this."

『• • • ✎ • • •』

After explaining to Luke what Scott had told them over the phone, he said he'd make his way down to the compound to help figure out how to time travel through the Quantum Realm. She said her goodbyes to Tony, Pepper and Morgan and made her way to the compound.

She arrived just as Bruce, who had become Hulk said, "I see this as an absolute win!"

"Did he turn into a baby?" Astred asked, as she saw Scott look distressed at what he had just been through.

『• • • ✎ • • •』

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