ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛𝟠

13 1 0

Third Person

The Curse of Clyde Langer

『• • • ✎ • • •』

Astred was sat next to Rani on her Ninetendo 3DS, playing the 3D Mario game. She then heard Rani asked Clyde, "So then, Clyde. Your starter for 10. What are the parallels between the fall of the French aristocracy in the 1790s and the credit crunch of 2008?"

"There are parallels?" Astred asked, not looking up from her handheld console.

"Yes. Mrs Pittman always says that history can teach us stuff about the present." Rani answered.

"Communism bad. Fascism bad." Astred said.

"What Astred said, yeah." Clyde whispered.

Rani took a piece of paper off of Clyde and she asked, "The Silver Bullet?" Astred paused her game and looked at the paper, to see that Clyde had been drawing a comic.

"Every crook is a target in Blood River City." Clyde answered.

"This is really good." Astred told her friend.

"Do you think so?" Clyde asked.

"Yeah. Really good. I don't see how he's going to get you through your history exam." Rani answered as she handed the paper back to Clyde.

"Yeah, but this is what I'm gonna do when I finish school. Comics. The Silver Bullet's just one idea. Wait till you see Susie June Jones, alien slayer." Clyde told the two girls.

"Susie June Jones? Really, Clyde?" Astred questioned.

A splattering noise then started and continued, the three friends walked outside and saw that it was raining fish.

"Oh, boy!" Clyde said as a fish landed too close to the friends.

"What's this all about?" Rani asked.

"I know what I'm having for tea. Fish and chips anyone?" Astred asked.

『• • • ✎ • • •』

"Mr Smith, I need you!" Sarah-Jane said as she walked into the attic, Astred sat down next to Sky as Mr Smith asked, "Yes, Sarah-Jane. How can I help you?"

"Have you got a good recipe for the biggest fish pie in history?" Clyde asked the Xylock.

"I have been monitoring reports of the unusual storm over London." Mr Smith told them.

"I love this planet. Just when you think you get fish in the sea, they start coming out of the sky." Sky said. The older teens chuckled at the young girl's enthusiasm at such an unusual and strange event.

"Through the ages, there have been many reports of fish raining from the sky. There is a meteorological explanation." Mr Smith explained.

"What, you mean it's natural?" Astred asked.

"Storms and tornadoes suck fish out of the water into the upper atmosphere. They freeze, then later, they come raining down. Yeah, but those fish are small. Wouldn't satisfy next door's cat. Mr Smith, the fish today, they were this big." Sarah-Jane said as she showed the size of the fish with her hands. Clyde corrected the size and Sarah-Jane said, "Yeah, well, still not natural."

"Mr Smith, I want you to scan for alien energies." Sarah-Jane told the Xylock.

"Of course."

"Oh, Mr Smith, you'd better cast your net pretty wide." Clyde said, Sky laughed and Rani told her, "Oh, don't encourage him."

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