ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛𝟘

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Third Person

The Vault of Secrets

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Astred was sat in Sarah-Jane's attic drinking an iced tea as it was about 24 degrees Celsius and she needed to cool down

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Astred was sat in Sarah-Jane's attic drinking an iced tea as it was about 24 degrees Celsius and she needed to cool down. Her forehead was resting on the coffee table as her glass was on the floor with a straw for her to drink from, this was the best way she had found to keep cool in the attic, as Sarah-Jane did not have a fan and seemed to like the heat. Mr Smith was playing a NASA video, when Rani ran into the attic saying "Hi, there! Guess what?"

"Shh!" Clyde told Rani, Astred lifted her head up and said, "Hi."

Luke, who was on a video call, then said, "Hey, Rani, how are you?"

"Luke! Great, thanks! How's Oxford?" Rani replied.

"Oh, just so brilliant." Luke answered, the ongoing conversation was interrupted by Sarah-Jane who said, "Can you two keep it down? We need to time this to the second."

"Is that Mars?" Rani then asked.

"It's the feed from the latest Mars robot probe. Sarah-Jane's about to upset NASA big time." Clyde answered. Astred had stood up to properly look at Mr Smith's screen and she said, "More than the time she wrote an article saying they were kinda irrelevant, and behind with their spacecraft when compared to private companies. I doubt it."

"The Mars Rover will be in sight of target in 20 seconds." Mr Smith said as he brought another Mars feed up on the screen.

"So, how's everybody doing at school?" Luke asked.

"Oh, you know, Clyde's still winding Dad up. Astred's still getting invited to parties even though everyone knows she doesn't go." Rani answered, she then asked Luke, "How are those uni mates getting on?"

"Apparently they live off of baked beans and curry. I think living with the Slitheen would be better, at least their farts smell like batteries and not baked beans and curry." Astred answered.

"Get ready, Mr Smith." Sarah-Jane told the Xylock.

"Approaching point of visibility. Jamming signal...now." Mr Smith said as he then interfered with NASA's signal to the Mars Rover. He then powered down the NASA probe, just as they saw the glimpse of a civilisation on Mars.

"Well done, Mr Smith." Sarah-Jane told the Xylock.

"Looks like NASA just lost yet another Mars probe." Luke said.

"What was that, on the horizon?" Rani asked.

"An ancient civilization - ancient, and terrible. Some of Mars' secrets are best left undiscovered." Sarah-Jane answered.

"You see, that's what Mum does now that I'm not around keeping an eye on her - sabotages NASA probes." Luke told the group.

"She's so out of control." Clyde said.

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