Chapter 4

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*Jay's POV*

"Is this the Detective's number?" I was back at my apartment and tried the number right away.

"Yeah, this is Lindsay. Guess you're Jay then?" It didn't take me long to get an answer back.

"Yeah. For a second I was worried that 'Trudy', I think that was her name, gave me the wrong number." I was super nervous writing this text.

"Nah. She's alright. Just wasn't her day today." I got an answer from Lindsay.

"Do you maybe want to grab dinner at some point? Then we could talk in peace." I didn't know what she would think of my suggestion and she didn't text right back.

"I'd like that. But not today. We're deep in a case, I won't be out of here before midnight today. Maybe tomorrow?" My heart sagged a little at the answer, but not really because she had already agreed to dinner.

"Yeah, sure. I'll leave you to it then." I put my phone down and leaned back in my seat, having a big smile on my face.

That date, if you could call it that gave me something to work towards, a point that pulled me out of my hole, if only for a brief moment.

*Erin's POV*

Upton shot me a look when I put my phone down.

"What have you just done? Bought a boatload of baby cats?" She joked and I rolled my eyes.

"No. But if you want to know; I just got myself a date." Her eyes widened and seemed to drop out of her eye sockets if she would widen them any further.

"No way! It's been ages since you dated someone. Who's the lucky one?" She scooted over with her chair and was now right next to me.

"It's Jay." I blushed when I said his name and her jaw dropped.

"I thought we were through with that topic. Erin we should never get too emotionally attached to our cases. Dating someone you've arrested is clearly wrong." I saw what Hailey was trying to say, of course, but I also knew I wouldn't listen.

"I know. I learned the same stuff as you did at the academy. Speaking of academy, I was invited to teach a course there." I changed the topic quickly.

"That's cool. Which one?" She looked interested and accepted that I didn't want to talk about Jay anymore.

"Shooting training." Upton rolled her eyes because she knew I had the better shot, even if she would never admit it.

"I've given a course before, and it can be pretty exhausting to explain the same thing over and over again." She got back to her desk.

"Maybe. But I think it's a good thing to do." I was really excited about what it would be like, because the last time I took an academy course, I was still in training.

"We ran into a dead end." Antonio and Atwater came up the stairs and I sighed.
The two of them had driven to a house where the car was supposed to be, but the house was completely empty and vacant.

"Whoever was in the car can't vanish into thin air." Hank said and we all agreed.

"Well then, listen up; you all go home now, rest and tomorrow we will start looking with new energy." I didn't like to think about the fact that whoever shot the little girl was running free but we couldn't change that right now and given the fact that I now had a little time to see Jay made it better.

"This is now totally short-term, but if you want I can pick you up in ten minutes and we go out to eat." I texted him and he read it right away.

*Jay's POV*

My heart skipped a beat when I saw Lindsay's text.

"Sure. You got my adress I guess?" Given the fact that I had a file and she was police it was pretty obvious that she knew where I was living.

"I do in fact." She went offline and I quickly got some better clothes because the way I looked now I didn't want to leave.

When I came out of the door downstairs, a nice looking BMW was standing in front of the front door and Lindsay waved me from in it.

"You got one nice car here, Detective." I let myself slide into the passenger seat.

"We confiscated it from a cartel boss." She grinned and started driving.

"I hope you don't mind if we don't go into an high-end restaurant, because I'm not wearing the right stuff for that." She looked at me nervously.

"All good. Don't worry. And I think you look pretty." My heart beat a little father and I saw that she blushed a little.

"Here we go." She parked in front of a small diner.

"I've been here several times, it doesn't look that special, but they have good food." She informed me and I just followed her inside.

We ordered food and I looked at her furtively.

"So. What did you want to talk about?" She looked at me and I actually had no idea what to answer because I didn't really have anything to say.

"I wanted to apologize for the inconvenience I made." I blurted out and she chuckled.

"You were one of the nice people to arrest. From time to time I get elbows in my face." She said like it was something completely normal.

"People hit you when you arrest them?" I looked at her in shock.

"Sometimes. Sometimes they also shoot me or my colleagues when they see us. The job is never boring." For Lindsay it seemed to be a conversation that she had often.

"Did you ever got seriously injured?" I didn't know if the question was too personal or if it was okay.

"Yeah. I was shot here once and was in the hospital for several weeks." She pointed to a place that was just above her heart and my eyes widened.

"So you see, your arrest was pretty relaxed." I nodded and was shocked that someone wanted to harm her.

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