Chapter 70

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*Erin's POV*

I pressed my face tighter to Jay's chest as I heard the unit's voices, because I just wanted to be left alone.

"Er?" Jay shook me gently and I looked up into his green eyes, my safe place.

"Did they hurt you?" His voice broke while saying it.

"No." At least not physically. When I closed my eyes I could still see Mike's panic-wide blue eyes, right before a bullet blew his brain all across the room.

Right then I looked down at me and saw that I was sprinkled with his blood and other things.

I got up as quickly as possible and just managed to get out before throwing up in a bush.

"Better?" I feld a hand on my back and of course it was Jay's.

"I guess." I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Hey kiddo. You good?" Hank came out of the house and I nodded.

"Good. Then you're going to take the next ambo to Med because I want you to get checked out." I sighed but agreed when I saw the way he looked at me.

*Jay's POV*

"Where's she?" I bursted in to Med and Maggie raised an eyebrow.

"Relax, Jay. Erin's fine." She showed me the way to the treatment room where Lindsay was taken care of by Natalie.

"Hey." Erin smiled up at me and it seemed like she wasn't hurt badly.

"She got a mild concussion and a few bruises but otherwise she is fine. But if you can make her see Dr Charles because she seems a little off to me." Dr Manning had stepped outside with me and I watched Erin through the window.

"I'll try." I smiled sadly as we both knew that if Lindsay didn't want to do something she wouldn't.

"You ready to go home?" I handed Erin her coat and she walked out of the hospital with me.

"This is so unnecessary." Lindsay groaned as I had made her get to bed to relax a little and just handed her a tea.

"It's not. Nat said you have a concussion and I want you to feel better soon." I wanted to placed a kiss on her forehead but she pulled me down and instead I tasted her lips.

"Or that." I chuckled and she smiled at me sweetly.

"Can you stay with me? I probably sound like a little kid now when it is storming outside, but I don't want to be alone right now." I immediately settled with her and put my arm around her.

"Thank you." She mumbled at my chest and dozed off quite quickly.

She had a pretty restless sleep and kept frowning and grimacing.

"Er... hey..." I shook her when she made a sound that didn't sound like she was happy.

"Erin." She had started to tremble and when I finally got to her she sat upright in bed looking at me wide-eyed.

"It was just a nightmare. You're safe now." I wiped away a tear that ran down her cheek.

"They just shot him." Her voice was shaky and I just held her as I knew how painful it could be to see such things.

"They would have killed me the same way." I had to swallow hard at that because she probably was right.

"But they didn't, okay? You're here with me and nobody can hurt you." I ran my fingers over her back soothingly and her breath got more steady.

"There you go." I let her sink back into the pillows and within a few moments she was back asleep, this time for good.

*Erin's POV*

I must have slept through the whole night because the next morning I got woken up by sunlight peeking trough the blinds.

Jay was sound asleep next to me and I snuggled up to him and traced circles with my fingers on his bare chest.

"Morning." Jay's voice sounded still sleeping and I gave him a kiss.

"Mornin'." I hugged him and just enjoyed being with him.

"Do you feel better today?" He sat up and put his arms around me.

"A little." I knew that I had to get things off my chest to actually feel better.

"You can always talk to me, okay? No matter what." And of course Jay seemed to be able to read my mind.

"Really anything?" My hands got sweaty because I was pretty much about to tell him some really nasty things.

"Anything." He confirmed and looked at me in a way that made me feel as if I wanted to give him the world and much more.

"Mike and I... we go back. Way back." Jay nodded and I kept going.

"I knew him since I was like fourteen. He's a little older and somehow I thought he had the life I wanted. He sold weed and those things at our school and I always watched him. Then one day he walked into my mother's bar and, dumb how I was I thought that he was the guy. Mike was nineteen then and compared to that I was just a little kid." I still saw that moment in front of my eyes and I was wandering what Jay was thinking.

"I wanted his affection at any cost and so I... when I found out where he lived I got dressed as nicely as I could and went there." I didn't dare to look at Jay and so I started picking my shirt.

"He opened the door. Having my mother as rolemodel I knew my way around man even at that young age and so I did what I thought was right. I let him do whatever he wanted without thinking about any consequences and spent my whole night with him." I knew that I needed to end this story without giving more details because I saw Jay's tensed arms already.

"Did he hurt you?" Jay spoke up and I winced because I hadn't expected him to.

"No. He never did." He nodded and mentioned for me to go on.

"At school he would smile at me and all the other girls would look because I wasn't the only one that had noticed that he was quite attractive. But then one day everything changed. By then I knew Hank already and was living with him and his family, which didn't make it any easier to meet with Mike." I swallowed hard.

"I was out with him when suddenly a car pulled up next to us and two guys got out to first grab Mike and then me. We were brought to some kind of basement and apparently they were so fixed on Mike that they forgot to check me for a phone and so I called Antonio as soon as they left. I didn't call Hank because I didn't want him to know with what kind of scratchy guy I was hanging out. Antonio came and shot the two guys. Mike was allowed to go without getting arrested, as opposed to the fact that he would never tell what had happened." Jay just nodded.

"But why was it that much of a deal that Antonio shot them if they were clearly dangerous and threatening you?" He asked.

"Because he was off duty and never called it in. That's why I stopped talking when he looked at me like that." I explained to him.

"Because until now, nobody exept you three knew what had happened there." Jay summed up and I nodded.

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