Chapter 69

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*Erin's POV*

I saw Jay and Hank sitting on a bench just a few feet away from where I was so they would be right there to intervene if something should go wrong.

"Ten minutes late already." Kim walked past me and mumble just so loud that I could hear her ans then went to jog the next round to not look too suspicious.

Change of plans. Again. Do you see the blue Jeep to your right?

I got the text and me eyes wandered off to the car immediately.

Yeah I see it. What do you want me to do with that?

Jay looked restless as I started to move but stayed put because even he got that I needed to have a specific reason for getting away from them.

Get in and turn off your cell phone, otherwise he doesn't want to meet you.


s I read that I dropped the bag I was carrying for a second, my way to signal the others to follow me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw how first Hank and a short time later Jay got up and strolled over to their cars, ready to follow the Jeep.

I turned my phone off and got in to the car. As soon as I had closed the door we started driving and I was hoping the unit would follow us as I didn't have a gun on me and it seemed like this wasn't ending good.

"Get out. He's waiting for you." I almost got pushed out of the car and then another guy took me over, gave me a once-over and then dragged me quite harshly in to the house.

"Ey!" I exclaimed as the door fell shut behind me and I stumbled as my eyes weren't used to the sudden darkness.

"I'm so sorry, Shelby." Mike was on his knees, hands tied behind his back and a man held a gun to his back of the head.

"Say goodbye to your lover boy." He pressed the trigger, blood shattered everywhere and Mike's now lifeless body dropped to the floor.

"No!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and tried to get to him but the guy that had brought me in held my tight and I sure enough stopped as I felt my shoulder getting twisted around.

*Jay's POV*

"Those bastards." I was in the car with Hailey on the way to the district because I wanted to get my sniper so I had a chance to rescue Erin if needed after Voight had told us that she had been dragged into a house.

"50-21 Adam, shots fired at...." I didn't hear the rest and went even faster, passing cars in ways that were almost dangerous but I had sirens on and this was a real emergency.

As we got to the district I slammed the breaks and parked my PickUp right in front of the red brick building.

"Chuckles what's the matter..." I buzzed up, got my sniper and made my way out of the district again.

"Jay what's your ETA?" Voight asked through the radio.

"Three minutes out." Hailey answered as I needed both hands on the wheel.

"Jay it doesn't help her if you kill us on the way." Of course Upton was right but I knew every second I wasn't there was waisted.

"You can go in here. We cleared it with the owners." Adam pointed to the house across the street from where Erin seemed to be.

"Thanks." I nodded towards the women and the man at the door.

As I hurried up the stairs two young boys looked at me wide-eyed but I had no time to stop.

I opened a window, took a box to put my sniper on and tried to find a window or something where I could look through; and then there she was.

"Sarge I got eyes." I radioed and was very away of the two pair of eyes that were fixed on me.

"Damn it." I saw metal flash and Erin seemed visibly terrified.

"I'll take the shot as soon as I get one." I had my radio open because I needed both hands.

"No Jay, stay down." I pulled the trigger, the bullet made it's way across the street, in to the guy's neck.

For a second Erin and I had eye contact but then I ran down the stairs, over the street and a bit slower in to the house she was in as I had no idea how many guys were in there.

"Clear." I heard Kevin's fermiliar voice and put my gun back in the holster.

"Erin? Call out!" There were alot of rooms and I wanted to spare her to wait any longer.

"Jay I'm here!" I heard from the end off the hallway and husseled there.

I saw two bodies, blood everywhere and in the middle was a tied up Lindsay.

"I got you." I I cut the shackles with my penknife, sat down next to her on the floor and put my arms around her.

"Are you okay?" The question was dumb but the only thing I was able to say right now without my throat closing.

"I guess." She sighed and buried her face in my hoodie when the rest of the team walked in.

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