Chapter 38

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*Erin's POV*

"Thanks for checking in, Erin. You must have better things to do than make sure I can do a safety inspection." I sat next to Kelly and looked out of the window.

"Ouh don't worry. The last few days haven't been exactly good so I'm glad to get away." I answered him honestly.

"What is it this time?" I didn't want to talk about it but I would be spending a bit time with Severide so I needed to get to it at some point.

"I'm the problem I guess. I broke up with Jay, that means the wedding is off aswell and thinks between us haven't been good." Kelly just nodded.

"I know all of that already. And I heard you broke his nose?" I sighed when he said that.

"When you know all of it why are you asking, Kelly?" I wouldn't have come here when I had known that he would keep taking about me and Jay.

"Because I wanted your perspective, but I obviously won't get it and were here anyways." He turned the engine off and we got out.

"Mr Sevride, I told you already, that I won't let you go on my property." Some guy come walking towards us.

"I'm aware of that Mr Gibson, and that's why I brought Detective Lindsay with me." When the man heard that he turned white.

"You don't need to be afraid, as long as you do everything as the nice firefighter tells you, we shouldn't have a problem." I smiled and Kelly shot me a look.

We walked through the factory, the guy showed Severide things he wanted to see and I just followed him.

"Could I see the blueprint to see if we have everything?" We were sitting in Gibson's office.

"Yes. Let me just grab them real quick." He left and Kelly and I were alone.

"He's weird." I looked over at the firefighter.

"I know. Something is off here." Just when he said that I saw the window in the door getting darkened by something.

"Kelly." He spun around and tried to push the door open but nothing moved.

"Let us out of here!" I hammered against the door.

"It's fine I'll just.... this bastard! He took my radio with him." Severide had put his radio on the table and I also saw that it was gone.

"I got my phone." I wanted to call for help but noticed pretty fast that here was no reception.

"Could this get any worse?" Apparently it could because a massive explosion made the building shake.

"He let the propane tank explode." The look that Kelly gave me made clear that this would get even worse really fast.

*Jay's POV*

"Didn't she say that the whole inspectation thing would only take like two hours?" I looked at Upton and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Could you please call her? When I do it goes straight to voicemail because she probably blocked me." I still wasn't over us but Lindsay made it pretty clear that she was.

"Voicemail." Hailey took her phone down.

"These factories usually do not have good reception, so we often have problems with the radios aswell." That didn't make me feel any better.

"What if something happens to them?" I was probably going crazy right now.

"What is supposed to happen? Nobody will let anything explode." Ruzek made fun of me.

"Enough. Get back to work." Voight shushed us and I started on my paper work again but I kept checking my phone for any new messages.

"It's been four hours now." I shot Upton a look and she nodded.

"It's not like I haven't been thinking about her." She came over to my desk.

"Hey Sarge, can Halstead and I go over to the firehouse and check if the got any news?" Voight nodded and I could tell that he was glad that Hailey spoke up even if he tried to hide it.

*Erin's POV*

"I don't mean to say anything, but you won't make it through that brick wall with bare hands." Making this bad joke was my sad attempt to distract myself from the fact that I could smell smoke and could see it coming inside under the door aswell.

"Thanks Lindsay. I would have never guessed." Kelly looked at me, he was sweating, but when he realized I was not good, his expression softened.

"Erin." He gently put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. This is just a little much." I felt pathetic.

"It's okay. You're not facing death every day... wait you are. Never mind." He snirred and I sighed.

"But seriously. This is different. You're used to have your unit or at least your partner with you. I'm used to think alone. That's why firefighters are better than cops, because we can think on our own." I saw what he was trying to do but that didn't really help me right now.

"That's not helping." I noticed how breathing was getting harder and knew I was about to start a panic attack.

"Ey." Severide shook me.

"Eyes on me. Breath in. Hold. And out." We repeated that a few times and I was beginning to feel better.

*Jay's POV*

"Casey!" Upton called the Captain over.

"What are you two doing here?" He looked confused.

"We're missing out on Lindsay and wanted to check if you got your Lieutenant back yet." I looked at him but unfortunately he shook his head.

"Let me get my radio." We followed him inside.

"Kelly for Matt." Casey held up his radio. No response.

"Severide do you copy?" At first it was just background noise, but then you could hear a voice.

"Yes Matt. I copy." Upton frowned but Casey motioned for her to keep quite.

"Where are you at, buddy. We wanted to meet over an hour ago so I could explain what you need for your Lieutenant test." No I relaised that that definitely was not Severide who was speaking there.

"This chick didn't let me go but I'm on my way." After that the radio fell quite.

"This 50-21 Henry. I got a possible abduction of an CFD Lieutenant and a Detective." Hailey called it in and I ran my hands through my hair.

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