Chapter 61

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*Erin's POV*

Back at my old room, with the window that creaked with every gust of wind.

It used to bother me, I tried to repair it countless times, never succeeded but now it was calming because it was something I was used to.

"So right now it's just us, huh?" I ran my finger over my bump, just hoping Jay was okay because I couldn't lose him.

The house was silent as it was past midnight already and Hank was probably asleep.

As silent as I could be I made my way downstairs to get something to drink and saw that there was still a dimp light.

"Hey Kiddo." Hank was sitting on the sofa, hunched over a photo book.

"You still awake." I sat down next to him on the couch.

"I couldn't sleep, and neither can you as it seems to me." He put an arm around me and I looked at the photos that were on the current page.

"I miss Jus." The photos showed Justin and me at one of the trips we had done with Hank and Camille to the lake when we had been younger.

"Me too." He turned to the next page, where I was shown with my diploma.

"Gosh I hated that dress." I chuckled and Hank snirred.

"I know. But it looked good on you and didn't deserve the way you and Justin ended it's very short life." My lips formed a big grin, reminiscent of how we'd burned it down in a campfire.

"The fire was very beautiful though." I added and yawned widely.

"Go back to bed." I nodded and made my way up the stairs and to my room.

"So Justin, where ever you just are, can you please look out for Jay?" I stopped at my window for a second and looked up into the starry night.

*Jay's POV*

I was woken up by an ice cold water bucket getting dumped over my head.

I shuddered and looked into the eyes of one of the men who were holding me captive in some kind of basement.

"Hello there, Jay." Them knowing my name wasn't a good thing.

"Let's shoot a little video for your friends so that they know they should pay soon or you'll get dumped in the river." He had a mischievous smile on his face and I swallowed hard.

Apparently he had expected to get an answer and as I didn't he punched me with his fist.

"I take that as a 'yes' then." Another guys came in, holding a hot piece of metal.

"If you say something wrong, you will get a burn mark while the camera is on, are we clear?" I nodded and then one got his phone out while the other one held a piece of paper to my face for me to read off.

"Hello there, 21st. This is Jay and I am here to tell you that you'd better pay the three million by tomorrow or you can send a recovery team to the river to find my body." When I read the next sentence I felt sick.

I looked at the guy and never had felt more willing to kill someone.

Since I didn't speak any further, the iron was pressed into my side.

I couldn't help but groan in pain as I felt and smelled my skin getting burned.

"Read on." The guy with iron commanded and I did as I was told, even though I didn't want to.

"And after finding my body you can continue to look for the one of my pregnant wife as she is next on the list." I looked straight in the camera and then he stopped recording.

"Wasn't too hard, was it?" I kept quite and avoided eye contact.

*Erin's POV*

I sat at my desk as I wasn't about to just wait for Jay to get back because I wanted to help when Trudy came up the stairs.

"Package for you, Lindsay." I looked over at Hank and he got up.

"I'll take that." We both had no idea what was in there but since Jay wasn't back by now we were cautious about what it could be.

When I nodded he opened the box to reveal a phone and a note.

"Watch and follow all orders." I read out and saw dots in front of my eyes as I had a very bad feeling in my gut what had happened.

"Sit down." Hailey was by my side immediately because apparently I wasn't looking good aswell.

"Don't bother about me, turn on the video." Hank had unlocked the phone and started the video.

Jay was bruised all over and had dried blood on his forehead.

I lost it when they pressed the iron in his side and needed to leave the bullpen because I just couldn't see it.

My breathing was way too fast, I knew I was hyperventilating and needed to get back to a steady breathing.

"We're going to get him back, he's going to be with you in no time." Upton and Rojas walked up to me and I nodded.

After a few minutes I went back to the rest of the group, getting worried looks.

"Just work on finding him, I can handle myself." There was no time for them to give me pity looks as there were way more important things to do right now.

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