Chapter 15

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*Jay's POV*

After the past few days were only sitting in the classroom and learning stuff I was really happy that today was another training with Erin.

To start with, everyone had to show how to properly load a gun, then everyone had to hit the target once and then things got a little more difficult.

"Okay. For today you will get special vests and other guns in a moment. Then you can practice shooting at real people, because I can tell you that's another thing than shooting paper." Everyone nodded in agreement.

In the end we got a pretty similar equipment as for lasertag.

"You all got a partner? Good." I was standing in front of Jamie, holding the fake gun in my hand.

"Well then, you or your partner please fire the first shot." I saw only a few pulled the trigger.

I had already fired my shot and had no problem with it.

"C'mon you guys. You need to overcome the fear, you can't hurt anyone right now." Lindsay was waiting but still not everyone had done the shot.

"Once you've done it, you can be proud of yourself." She tried to make a good point, but it almost looked like not everyone would get the exercise.

"Okay the, now your partner does it and then everyone tries again who didn't make it just yet." Jamie positioned himself when he heard this, but hesitated for a moment.

"C'mon buddy, you got his." I waited and then a point lit up on my vest, it had hit me.

"Good job over there." Lindsay nodded approvingly and Jamie smiled happily at me.

This time it worked better and almost everyone did it, even in the second lap it got better.

*Erin's POV*

Most of the recruits had left the hall while I collected some stuff when a young guy came walking towards me.

"Instructor Lindsay?" He asked and I looked up from what I was doing.

"Yes, Stevenson?" I read his name tag.

"I'm madly impressed how you handled the situation, I was struggling myself but you gave me the confidence to do it." I only nodded briefly because I still had to go to the district and didn't feel like talking for long here.

"I was wondering if we could maybe go out for a drink at some point." I sighed because I hadn't seen that coming right now.

"Stevenson..." I started.

"My name is Max." He interrupted me.

"Don't interrupt me." I looked at him and he looked down.

"Stevenson. I can't and I don't want to, find someone your age and become happy." I turned around, but he put a hand on my shoulder, whereupon I suddenly spun back, just as I was about to say something, I saw Jay, like the archangel personally approaching us, but I stopped him with one look.

"Don't do that ever again or you'll be out of here faster than you think." With that I sent him away.

"What was that?" Jay approached me when the rest of the people had left, because the day was over.

"A confused young man looking for love." I told him while he helped me carry some boxes to the car.

"Erin." Jay got my attention as he held out a note to where a phone number was written on it.

"Nice. He gave me a way to track him down in case you bore me." I found it entertaining, but apparently Jay didn't think so at all.

"Next time he does that he's gonna get a school-like beat up in the locker room." His expression was grim and I stroked his arm.

"Don't." His eyes softened when they met mine and we got into the car because I was taking him to the district with me.

"Ey Lindsay, you're on your way in with your lover just yet?" I heard Ruzek's mockery voice through the radio.

"Adam, clear case of 10-30." I rolled my eyes and Jay looked confused.

"10-30 is short for 'uneccesary use of radio". I explained to him and he nodded.

"That's no answer." Adam said again and sounded offenden but I knew he wasn't.

"We're like three minutes out." I answered him.

"I didn't think that so many would have a problem with the exercise," Jay said as we stood at a traffic light.

"I actually expected it to take even longer till everyone got it. The first time shooting at a person is terrible, I can still remember mine." I looked over at him.

*Jay's POV*

I couldn't remeber the first one.

It's been a while since I started at the military and being in the army made you do thinks you couldn't imagine doing before.

Like shooting someone you didn't know.

"Jay? You okay?" We had arrived at the district and I just got out of the car without reacting to what she had said.

"Yeah. I am. Come here." I spread my arms, then closed them around her.

"It's incredible hard to see you all that and not being able to do this." I lifted her chin with my finger and kissed her tenderly.

"I second that." She looked into my eyes and I brushed my fingers through her hair.

"And I totally agree aswell." I winced and reflexively stood in front of Lindsay to shield her.

But then relaxed when I say that it was just Ruzek.

"Not up for kissing you, sorry man." I tried to cover up my reaction, but I knew that she had noticed something.

"Dang." He sighed and I rolled my eyes but forced a smile on my face.

"We'll be right up." Erin said and then we were left alone.

"Can we talk about it later, please?" Her concern was reflected in her eyes and she didn't have to say what she wanted to talk about.

"Maybe." I didn't know how much I would say once I started and most of all I didn't know how much she would take to know.

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