Chapter 52

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*Jay's POV*

"Jay! Come here quickly!" Lindsay yelled excitedly and I got out of bed and followed her voice in to the bathroom where she was standing in front of the mirror, lifting her shirt up.

"You see that?" She beamed at me with a wide smile and then pointed to her stomach where, when I looked really closely, I could see a very small bump.

"That is awesome." I took her in my arms, leaned down and kissed her.

"Do you still want this?" Erin asked in-between kisses and I stopped to look at her.

"You kidding me? Of course I still want this. I will love our baby almost as much as I do love you." I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and she pressed her head to my chest.

"I love you too. So much. And I really want to have this baby." Lindsay got on her tiptoes and kissed me.

"You have to tell Voight at some point." I broke the kiss and Erin stepped back.

"I know." She didn't seem happy about it.

"Are you scared to tell him?" I didn't know our boss good enough to tell how he would react.

"No. Not at all. Hank will probably happy to get another grandchild.

I didn't ask how he already had one because as far as I knew, Erin's brother Teddy didn't have kids and neither did Voight, as far as I knew.

"Jay?" Lindsay got me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I tried not to show what thoughts I just had.

"We got to go." She walked out of the bathroom.

*Erin's POV*

"Could you listen up?" Everyone exept for Stevenson and Hank were here and I was fine with that.

"What's up Lindsay?" Antonio asked and I mentioned for him to wait until the other would look at me.

"I'll keep it short: I'm pregnant. You can then go back to work." I saw a few smiles, confusion on Adam's face, but he usually was so I wasn't surprised.

"What?" Everyone turned around when Max came up the stairs.

"Got a problem?" Jay stepped in front of me and, quite coincidentally, shielded me from his view.

"No." I heard how he sat down on a chair and then Hailey hugged me tiedly.

"I'm so happy for you girl." She had a wide smile on her face and I was so glad she was happy for me because what she thought mattered alot for me, if not the most.

"That's awesome news, you two are going to do great." Antonio gave me a hug aswell and I got some more congratulations before Hank walked in and the cheerful mood died down.

"What's going on here?" Of course he noticed that something was off.

"I'm pregnant." Jay had taken my hand to give me a little courage.

For a second I could see all of Hank's thoughts on his face, then he got himself together again and a big smile appeared on his face.

"I'm so happy for you, kiddo." A tear ran down my cheek because I had been scared for his reaction.

"But that means desk duty." I nodded and knew that it would be a while before I would get back to active duty.

Everyone got back to work and I went back to the locker room.

"How could you do that to me?" I winced because I didn't hear him coming.

"Do what, Stevenson? I just don't understand what you want from me." I looked into his brown eyes, he was standing right in front of me.

"I want you. I want us." He leaned forward and kissed me.

"Watch it." I pushed him away and wiped over my lips with my sleeve.

"You just don't get how in love with you I am. Please give me a chance." I didn't understand what made him feel this way because I had never acted as if he had a chance with me.

"I hate to break it to you, but 'us' will never happen." I walked past him and he grabbed my hand.

*Jay's POV*

Erin took quite long to get back to the bullpen and so I went to check on her.

When I looked into the room my jaw dropped and I didn't care what consequences it would have.

Stevenson, Lindsay pressed against the wall and I could see how uncomfortable she was.

"Hey." When he turned around, I hit my fist under his chin so hard that his head flew back and he hit the wall.

"Jay." Erin let out a breath and I saw relief wash over her face.

"Why did you hit me, you son of a bitch? We're meant to be!" Before he could touch Erin again I pushed him to the floor and fixed him with my knee.

"You good now?" I made Max look at me and when I nodded I let go of, but made sure that I was always between the two.

"And now, you're going to report yourself. I guess you know the way to Voight's office." I pushed him out of the room, closed the door and looked at Erin.

"You okay?" The question was stupid, she probably wasn't, but what else was I suppose to say.

"Now. I have no idea how far he would have gone if you hadn't come." The door got opened and I saw a really worried looking Voight.

"Did he hurt you?" He totally ignored me and looked straight at Lindsay.

"No. Not really. I'm fine." She smiled wryly.

"I'm glad. You and Halstead go to Med and get you and the little one checked out, okay?" Judging by his tone of voice, it wasn't a suggestion, so we went there.

"Might get a little cold in a second." Dr Manning said and then squeezed some jelly onto Erin's little bump.

"See? Right there your baby is." She pointed to a little darker part on the monitor and I felt my heart beat faster as this was my first time seeing our baby.

"Is everything alright?" Lindsay's voice sounded concerned but when Manning nodded she sighed in relief and looked at me.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I nodded and a happy tear rolled down my cheek.

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