Chapter 46

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*Jay's POV*

"They really thought they could get us, did they." Mouse, Dan, Marcus, and I sat around the campfire, laughing at how we escaped a group of enemies that morning.

"I did get the one pretty good though." I had distracted them by shooting one of their comrades.

"It's okay, Jay, get all the praise." Mouse punched me and I chuckled.

Suddenly we jumped up because we heard gunshots and I saw that our look-out was shot.

"Get the guns!" I yelled and a few more people came out of the tents.

When I was trying to get an overview a grenade was thrown at us, I grabbed Mouse and Dan who were closest to me to pull them away with me.

"Jay, what the..." We were thrown forward by the explosion, I heard screams but couldn't see anything through the smoke, so something was pulled over my head as a complete surprise and I went down.

When I came to again I was in something that looked like a cave to me.

"Mouse?" I looked around to find my friend leaning against a wall, going in and out of consciousness.

"Keep your eyes open."  I shook Mouse's shoulder and he tried.

*Erin's POV*

"Mhhh." I hummed when I felt Jay's arms around me.

"Did I wake you?" His breath tickled my neck and I turned around to kiss him.

"Yes. But it doesn't matter." I ran my hands over his chest, then further down and Jay sucked in some air.

"Ouh I see." My hand lingered over the waistband of his boxers.

"That's not why you woke me, is it?" I pushed the thought aside and removed my hand.

"No. Talking with Mouse brought up some memories and I wanted to make sure that you are still here with me and that I didn't hurt you again." We both remembered the last time when he dreamed about his army time.

"I'm here. Not going anywhere." I brushed my fingers through his hair and got a sweet smile in return.

"Preciate it." Jay pulled me closer and kissed me tenderly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" The rest of the tiredness had left my body by now and I wouldn't have a problem to listen to him without falling asleep.

"I don't. No. Would be too much to burden on you and don't tell me that you can handle it because I don't want you to feel like you have to." It bugged me that he knew me too well because I would have responded exactly that.

"So, do you just want to go back to sleep or do you have something else in mind?" I had noticed his hand on my inner thigh.

"Depends." Jay put a hand on my cheek and rolled us over.

*Jay's POV*

"10-78 at 300th block of Belmont Rush." I looked at my radio.

"10-04, 50-21 Lincoln responding." Lindsay got up and so did I.

"I would prefer to get more information before we go there." She had turned on the sirens when we drove away from the district.

"Guess we just have to be prepared for it all." It wasn't long until we arrived at the adress but there was neither police nor a police car.

"This is 50-21 Lincoln, we arrived at the scene but there is no sign of anyone that called it in." We kept looking around until something broke the window of a store and we heard yelling.

"We're going to need more assistance." Erin was right behind me when we entered the shop.

"Chicago PD! We're coming in!" I yelled because I had no interest in being shot because we surprised someone.

When we walked around the corner we saw a patrolmen, an older guy with a gun and a women that was held hostage.

I heard Lindsay call something in but I didn't really listen because I noticed a tattoo on the guys arm.

"Navy, huh?" The guy was a veteran.

"That's non of your business and now get out." He moved his finger closer to the trigger and I knew that the situation would get out of hand pretty quickly.

"How about we talk a little?" The look Lindsay gave me showed me how bad she thought my idea was.

"Why would I talk to a cop?" The guy focused on me now.

"Because I've been through simular things. I was a Ranger." His eyes widened and he look like he was considering my offer.

"I let her go, those two leave and then it's just us." I nodded and felt Erin's look pierce into my back.

"I'm gonna be just fine." I turned around for a second, to put a hand on her shoulder, but in the same motion changed the setting on my radio so that she could hear everything.

"Then let her go." Lindsay spoke up and the let go of the young women. Erin immediately covered her and then the two women and the patrolmen let the shop.

*Erin's POV*

"Thank you." The young women gave me a tight hug and I smiled at her before I let some paramedics take over so I could talk to Hank and the rest of the unit that had arrived by now.

"Jay's in there with some veteran guy. We can listen in and I guess we just need to let it develope from there." I hated to leave him in there all alone and we had no visual.

They talked about a few things they went through and the more Jay layed out I felt my heart shrunk by what he went through.

"How about you put the gun down and we just walk out of here?" Jay suggested and then there was silence for a minute.

"They will shoot me anyways as soon as they can get me." The guy was not wrong, as soon as he did a wrong move I would be the first person to protect Jay.

"Guys, it's Jay. When we come out you do not shoot, do you copy?" I looked over at Hank.

"Copy Halstead. We'll stand down." Just when he said that I heard a shot from inside.

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